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How to Overcome the Impasse on Nuclear Disarmament: An Interview with Thomas Countryman
Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/25751654.2019.1698142
Tomoko Kurokawa 1

ABSTRACT Thomas Countryman was a member of the US Foreign Service for 35 years, retiring in January 2017. He took office as assistant secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation in September 2011 and held that position until January 2017. From October 2016, he simultaneously served as acting undersecretary of state. He was one of the key figures in formulating the Obama administration’s policies relating to nuclear nonproliferation. Since October 2017, he has served as chair of the Arms Control Association board of directors. In this interview, he shares his critical views on the nuclear policies of the Trump administration and elaborates alternatives. For instance, in response to the end of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, he suggests that both NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and non-NATO members in Europe should explore new policy initiatives to “reduce the risk of a sharp escalation in missile deployment,” as they will be potential targets of any new Russian intermediate-range missiles. The interview took place in two parts. Part 1 was conducted on 1 August 2018 and Part 2 on 29 August 2019. The interview was edited and footnoted for the Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament (J-PAND).



摘要托马斯·乡下人(Thomas Countryman)曾在美国外交部工作35年,于2017年1月退休。他于2011年9月就任国际安全和防扩散助理国务卿,并一直任职至2017年1月。从2016年10月起,他同时担任担任国务卿 他是制定奥巴马政府有关核不扩散政策的关键人物之一。自2017年10月以来,他一直担任军备控制协会董事会主席。在这次采访中,他分享了对特朗普政府核政策的批评看法,并阐述了替代方案。例如,为了响应《中程核力量条约》的终止,他建议北约组织(北大西洋公约组织)和欧洲非北约组织成员都应该探索新的政策举措,以“减少导弹部署急剧升级的风险”,因为它们将成为俄罗斯任何新型中程导弹的潜在目标。导弹。采访分为两个部分。第一部分是在2018年8月1日进行的,第二部分是在2019年8月29日进行的。采访被编入《和平与核裁军杂志》(J-PAND),并在其中注明注解。