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US Prisoners of War in Hiroshima: A 40-Year Investigative Journey of a Japanese Atomic-Bomb Survivor
Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/25751654.2019.1624308
Hibiki Yamaguchi 1

ABSTRACT Shigeaki Mori was an eight-year-old child living in Hiroshima when the United States attacked the city with an atomic bomb on 6 August 1945. In this interview, Mori recalls his experience of the bombing. One of the most memorable scenes for him is the cremation of victims in the playground of an elementary school. Thirty years after the bombing, he decided to begin research on the number of cremated corpses in the school. Later, he also conducted an investigation of US prisoners of war who happened to be detained in Hiroshima and experienced the atomic bombing. So far, he has identified 12 US soldiers who were killed by the bomb. In this interview, Mori looks back on how difficult his investigation was. But his efforts bore fruit. President Barack Obama invited him to the speech that the US leader delivered in the Hiroshima Peace Park in May 2016. In the final part of the interview, Mori shares with readers his encounter with the president, his visit to the United States in 2018, and his views on recent developments in nuclear issues.



摘要森茂茂茂(Shigeaki Mori)是一个八岁的孩子,住在广岛,当时美国在1945年8月6日用原子弹袭击了这座城市。在这次采访中,森森回忆起自己的爆炸经历。对他来说,最令人难忘的场景之一是在一所小学操场上火化了受害者。爆炸发生三十年后,他决定开始研究学校的火化尸体数量。后来,他还对碰巧被关押在广岛并经历了原子弹爆炸的美国战俘进行了调查。到目前为止,他已经确定了12名被炸弹炸死的美国士兵。在这次采访中,森喜回首了自己的调查有多困难。但是他的努力取得了成果。