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Citizen Scientist: Frank Von Hippel’s Adventures in Nuclear Arms Control PART 5. Working in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-26 , DOI: 10.1080/25751654.2020.1732518
Frank Von Hippel 1 , Tomoko Kurokawa 1


Von Hippel describes his introduction to the ways of the government bureaucracy as an assistant director in the White House Office of Science and Technology (OSTP). He describes providing White House support to the lab-to-lab program through which the US helped Russia strengthen the security of its nuclear materials and his visits to the Kurchatov Institute and Russia’s first plutonium city to discuss such upgrades, and also the false starts that delayed the replacement of the heat and electricity generated by Russia’s last three operating plutonium-production reactors so that they could be shut down. He also describes some the other efforts in which he became consequentially involved: ending HEU use in research-reactor fuel, opening up the issue of converting US naval reactors to low-enriched uranium, shutting down Experimental Breeder Reactor II, raising safety issues with NASA’s plutonium-heat-powered Cassini mission to Saturn, and a failed attempt to intervene in the UK’s decision to launch its new THORP reprocessing plant into operation. Finally, he explains why he left OSTP eight months before his originally planned return to Princeton. He also discusses his failed nongovernmental initiative to promote an end to the production of fissile materials for weapons in South Asia and the Clinton Administration’s half-hearted efforts to negotiate warhead arms control with Russia. Finally, he discusses highlights of his life in Washington, DC and the lessons he learned about working in the government.




冯·希佩尔(Von Hippel)介绍了他在白宫科学技术办公室(OSTP)担任助理主任时对政府官僚主义方式的介绍。他描述了向白宫提供实验室到实验室计划的支持,美国通过该计划帮助俄罗斯增强了其核材料的安全,并访问了库尔恰托夫研究所和俄罗斯第一个p城市,讨论了这种升级,以及错误的开端。推迟了俄罗斯最后三个运行中的p生产反应堆产生的热和电的更换,以便可以将其关闭。他还介绍了他随后参与的其他一些工作:停止在研究反应堆燃料中使用高浓铀,提出了将美国海军反应堆转换为低浓铀的问题,关闭了实验增殖反应堆II,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的Cas子动力卡西尼号(Cassini)前往土星的任务引发了安全问题,并且未能干预英国决定启动其新的THORP后处理厂的决定。最后,他解释了为什么他原计划返回普林斯顿之前八个月离开了OSTP。他还讨论了失败的非政府倡议,该倡议旨在终止南亚用于武器的裂变材料的生产,还讨论了克林顿政府为与俄罗斯谈判核弹头武器控制而做出的半心半意的努力。最后,他讨论了自己在华盛顿特区的生活亮点以及从政府工作中获得的教训。以及试图干预英国启动其新的THORP后处理厂的决定的失败尝试。最后,他解释了为什么他原计划返回普林斯顿之前八个月离开了OSTP。他还讨论了失败的非政府倡议,该倡议旨在终止南亚用于武器的裂变材料的生产,还讨论了克林顿政府为与俄罗斯谈判核弹头武器控制而做出的半心半意的努力。最后,他讨论了自己在华盛顿特区的生活亮点以及从政府工作中获得的教训。并试图干预英国启动其新的THORP后处理厂的决定的失败尝试。最后,他解释了为什么他原计划返回普林斯顿之前八个月离开了OSTP。他还讨论了失败的非政府倡议,该倡议旨在终止南亚用于武器的裂变材料的生产,还讨论了克林顿政府为与俄罗斯谈判核弹头武器控制而做出的半心半意的努力。最后,他讨论了自己在华盛顿特区的生活亮点以及从政府工作中获得的教训。他还讨论了失败的非政府倡议,该倡议旨在终止南亚用于武器的裂变材料的生产,还讨论了克林顿政府为与俄罗斯谈判核弹头武器控制而做出的半心半意的努力。最后,他讨论了自己在华盛顿特区的生活亮点以及从政府工作中获得的教训。他还讨论了失败的非政府倡议,该倡议旨在终止南亚用于武器的裂变材料的生产,还讨论了克林顿政府为与俄罗斯谈判核弹头武器控制而做出的半心半意的努力。最后,他讨论了自己在华盛顿特区的生活亮点以及从政府工作中获得的教训。
