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Governing belonging through attachment: marriage migration and transnational adoption in Denmark
Ethnic and Racial Studies ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-31 , DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2021.1876901
Mons Bissenbakker 1 , Lene Myong 2


Based on analysis of legal documents on family reunification and educational material concerning transnational adoption in Denmark, this article suggests that the concept of attachment may be conceptualized as a specific operationalization of belonging, and that belonging and biopower may be viewed as intertwined (rather than opposites). The analysis conceptualizes two modes of how belonging is operationalized through attachment. The belonging of families seeking reunification is targeted on a regulatory level via the legal requirement of national attachment. This requirement materializes as a prognosis of belonging in families seeking reunification. On a disciplinary level, psychological attachment discourse is utilized to address belonging in adoptive kinship. As a disciplinary instrument, psychological attachment discourse extracts affective labour from the adoptee in order to secure belonging in the form of psychological attachment, which serves to sustain the white adoptive family. In both cases, attachment discourse naturalizes the governing of belonging over time.




本文基于对丹麦家庭团聚法律文件和跨国收养教育材料的分析,认为依恋的概念可以被概念化为归属的特定操作化,归属和生物权力可以被视为交织在一起(而不是对立的)。 )。该分析将归属感如何通过依恋进行操作的两种模式概念化。通过国家依恋的法律要求,寻求统一的家庭的归属在监管层面上是有针对性的。这一要求体现为对寻求重新团聚的家庭的归属感。在学科层面上,心理依恋话语被用来解决收养亲属的归属感。作为一种惩戒手段,心理依恋话语从被收养者那里榨取情感劳动,以心理依恋的形式获得归属感,从而维系白人收养家庭。在这两种情况下,依恋话语随着时间的推移使归属感的控制自然化。
