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Neolocalism and Beyond––Sexing Up Rural Places*
Rural Sociology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12368
Tuomas Honkaniemi 1 , Henna Syrjälä 2 , Niklas Lundström 3 , Arto Rajala 2

In this paper, we revise the concept of neolocalism by showing how companies that sex up rural places update and add novel nuances to neolocalist marketing. As the positive aspects drawn from tradition, stories and history are at the center of neolocalism, we aim to highlight how the usually negatively perceived images of the rural may be turned into something positive, trendy, desirable, and eventually sexy in the marketing of rural areas and businesses. The data of this study consists of nine company interviews and four consumer focus groups (n = 17). Our findings show how three features—namely, the hybridization of rural and urban, generational experience of millennials, and minimalist visualization—combined construct ideas for new image creation for rural areas. The concept of sexing up places ushers in new possibilities for rural actors and regions by reducing the distinction between rural and urban via visual imagery that is a particularly good match for the generational experience of the millennials. In this way, the study offers a novel way to tackle the challenges faced by rural areas, such as depopulation and image loss.



在本文中,我们通过展示对农村地区进行性化的公司如何更新并为新本地主义营销添加新颖的细微差别来修正新本地主义的概念。由于从传统、故事和历史中汲取的积极方面是新地方主义的核心,我们的目标是强调通常被负面感知的农村形象如何在农村营销中转变为积极、时尚、令人向往并最终性感的东西。领域和企业。本研究的数据包括九家公司访谈和四个消费者焦点小组(n = 17)。我们的研究结果显示了三个特征——即农村和城市的混合、千禧一代的世代体验和极简主义的可视化——如何结合构建农村地区新形象创作的想法。性别化的概念通过视觉图像减少了农村和城市之间的区别,这为农村参与者和地区带来了新的可能性,这与千禧一代的世代经历特别匹配。通过这种方式,该研究提供了一种解决农村地区面临的挑战的新方法,例如人口减少和形象丢失。