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Does Religion Affect Perception of Pregnancy Timing among Women Using Contraception?
Review of Religious Research ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s13644-021-00444-3
Rachael Langley 1 , Morium Bably 1 , Ryan Siebens 1 , Maria Diaz 1 , Larissa Brunner Huber 1


Nearly half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended. Unintended pregnancy refers to a mistimed or unwanted pregnancy. Unwanted and mistimed pregnancies are often distinguished from each other because of the negative social connotations and poorer health outcomes associated with unwanted pregnancies. However, mistimed pregnancies also pose significant economic, societal, and health burdens that necessitate enhanced risk factor identification and prevention efforts.


Religion and religious practices are important to consider as potential risk factors for mistimed pregnancy as over 70% of Americans identify as religious. However, little research exists on the potential religious factors-mistimed pregnancy association. The purpose of this study was to evaluate this association among women using contraception in the U.S.


This analysis used National Survey of Family Growth data. Women (n = 2841) self-reported measures of religion, religiosity and pregnancy timing. Logistic regression was used to obtain odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals.


After adjustment, women who reported currently being Catholic, Protestant, or another religion had statistically significant increased odds of mistimed pregnancy compared to women with no current religious affiliation (Catholic OR = 2.31, Protestant OR = 1.41, Other OR = 2.58). Women who reported that religion was very important or somewhat important had statistically significant increased odds of mistimed pregnancy (Very Important OR = 1.82, Somewhat Important OR = 1.60). More frequent service attendance was associated with statistically significant decreased odds of mistimed pregnancy. Specifically, women who reported attending services 2–3 times a month or 1 or more times per week had nearly half the odds of mistimed pregnancy compared to women who never attended services (OR = 0.54 and OR = 0.51).

Conclusions and Implications

This study provides insight into the interrelationship of religion as a sociocultural risk factor for mistimed pregnancy and found that while religiously active women had increased odds of mistimed pregnancy, frequency of service attendance was a protective factor against mistimed pregnancy. Given that approximately half of pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended, additional studies are needed to further understand cultural mechanisms that may be important risk factors of unintended pregnancy, and to confirm this study’s findings.








该分析使用了全国家庭增长调查数据。妇女(n = 2841)自我报告了宗教,宗教信仰和怀孕时间的测量。使用Logistic回归获得比值比(OR)和95%置信区间。


经过调整后,与目前没有宗教信仰的妇女相比,报告称目前为天主教徒,新教徒或其他宗教的妇女发生误怀孕的机率在统计学上显着增加(天主教徒OR = 2.31,新教徒OR = 1.41,其他OR = 2.58)。报告宗教信仰非常重要或有些重要的妇女在怀孕时机上有统计学上的显着增加(非常重要OR = 1.82,有些重要OR = 1.60)。频繁出勤与统计学上显着降低误孕率相关。具体来说,与从未上过服役的妇女相比,报告每月上班两次2-3次或每周上1次或多次上班的妇女的怀孕时机几率几乎是未参加过服役的妇女的一半(OR = 0.54和OR = 0.51)。


