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Critical analysis of light-water moderation UO2 and uranium-plutonium mixed oxide lattices by continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-31 , DOI: 10.1080/00223131.2021.1879691
Toru Yamamoto 1


Critical analysis of 120 light-water moderation lattices composed of 2.6 wt% UO2 fuel rods or 3.0 wt%-PuO2 uranium-plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel rods was performed using a continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation code to validate the JENDL-4.0 nuclear data library. As a result, the average neutron multiplication factor (keff) of the 35 UO2 lattices (hydrogen-to-heavy-metal atomic ratio (H/HM): 4.3–8.7) was 0.99930 with the uncertainty of 0.00005 (1 σ), and that of the 85 MOX lattices (H/HM: 12.0–27.6) was 0.99856 with the uncertainty of 0.00006 (1 σ). The keff values of the UO2 lattices partly showed a decreasing trend with H/HM, while those of the MOX lattices an increasing trend. The keff values of the MOX lattices presented an increasing trend with the measurement dates. Assuming that the trend was relating to the uncertainties in the neutron capture cross-section of 241Am, a simulation to modify the cross-section was performed by increasing the atomic number densities of 241Am in the MOX fuel. It indicated that the neutron-flux-average capture cross-sections of 241Am for the MOX lattices should be increased by 10% to 20% from those calculated by the cross-section in JENDL-4.0.




使用连续能量蒙特卡罗计算代码对由 2.6 wt% UO 2燃料棒或 3.0 wt%-PuO 2铀-钚混合氧化物 (MOX) 燃料棒组成的 120 个轻水慢化晶格进行临界分析,以验证 JENDL -4.0 核数据库。因此,35 个 UO 2晶格(氢与重金属原子比 (H/HM):4.3–8.7)的平均中子倍增因子 ( k eff ) 为 0.99930,不确定度为 0.00005 (1 σ) , 85 个 MOX 晶格 (H/HM: 12.0–27.6) 的值为 0.99856,不确定性为 0.00006 (1 σ)。UO 2k eff晶格部分随 H/HM 呈下降趋势,而 MOX 晶格则呈上升趋势。MOX晶格的k eff值随着测量日期的增加呈增加趋势。假设该趋势与241 Am中子捕获截面的不确定性有关,通过增加MOX 燃料中241 Am的原子序数密度来进行修改截面的模拟。这表明MOX 晶格的241 Am中子通量平均俘获截面应比 JENDL-4.0 中的截面计算增加 10% 至 20%。
