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Extendable Origami Multilayer Insulation Design and Thermal Performance Characterization
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.2514/1.a34883
Jacob K. Rehmeier 1 , Karson J. Bell 1 , Stefan A. Knoerr 1 , Ray P. Pitts 1 , Gabriel J. Power 1 , James A. Nabity 1

Spacecraft commonly use multilayer insulation (MLI) on fixed panels and bodies to assist with thermal management of the system. This paper describes the design of an origami pattern that allows MLI to be used on deployable structures, specifically telescoping booms. Origami patterns have well-defined fold lines that provide predictable compression and extension of the MLI, which allows for high compression ratios from the deployed to the extended state with predictable thermal performance. Two four-layer MLI blankets were tested in thermal vacuum, one in its original unfolded state and the other folded using an octagonal origami pattern to characterize heat leak. The origami folds decreased thermal conductance and increased radiative heat transport through the MLI blanket with degradation factors empirically found to be Mk=0.58±0.1 and Me=2.36±0.16, for the effective thermal conductance and emittance, respectively.



