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Mistuning Identification Technique Based on Blisk Detuning
AIAA Journal ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.2514/1.j060209
Andrea Lupini 1 , Justin Shim 1 , Sarah Callan 1 , Bogdan I. Epureanu 1

The structural dynamics of turbomachinery bladed disks is of paramount importance to ensure safety and reliability. Due to their sensitivity to mistuning (that is, any deviation from nominal properties), bladed disk vibrations encountered in practical applications can be significantly amplified. Thus, it is important to identify mistuning of as-manufactured blisks so that computational models can be updated to include mistuning and used to accurately characterize the behavior of blisks in operating conditions. Several mistuning identification techniques based on bench tests have been developed. This paper focuses on the techniques based on blade isolation through mass detuning and modal testing: methods that require a simple experimental setup. The typical shortcoming of these methods is that they rely on measured blade frequencies as a proxy for blade mistuning. However, as presented in this study, it is often impossible to completely isolate a blade from the neighboring ones using mass detuning; as a result, the measured frequencies do not represent the cantilevered blade frequencies that many reduced-order models use to model mistuning. This is especially true for blisks in which the blade-to-disk stiffness ratio is not negligible: a scenario that could become more and more prevalent as the trend to design thinner disks to reduce blisk mass continues. A technique based on modal testing that is able to accurately identify mistuning by appropriately capturing the effect of residual blade-to-blade and blade-to-disk coupling is introduced in this paper. A validation is carried out using an academic blisk model and surrogate data, and the results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the direct use of blade frequencies as proxies for mistuning.



