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Irrigation management transfer: The experience of the Río Dulce Irrigation Scheme, Argentina*
Irrigation and Drainage ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-31 , DOI: 10.1002/ird.2572
Ramiro Salgado 1 , José Ignacio Salvatierra 1 , Carlos Mitre 2 , Daniel Prieto Garra 1 , Gabriel Augusto Angella 1, 3 , Manuel Arriaza 4 , Luciano Mateos 5

Many governments and international agencies have promoted irrigation management transfer (IMT) in order to reduce operations and maintenance costs and satisfy farmers' willingness to improve their irrigation service by self-management. However, IMT has produced both satisfactory and unsatisfactory results. This paper presents a participatory research-based assessment of IMT in a case study in Northwest Argentina. The study combined conventional irrigation performance assessment and a survey of farmers' perception of the water delivery service and willingness to participate in water users associations. The assessment compared two subsystems in the Río Dulce Irrigation District with different levels of management transfer. Water service in the subsystem where management had been transferred allowed flexible delivery schedules that facilitated a diversified cropping pattern, greater irrigation intensity, and resulted in more water use. Farmers in the transferred subsystem were more aware of the problems of the irrigation service than farmers in the non-transferred subsystem. The perception of problems in the non-transferred subsystem increased with the level of the farmer's professionalism and technical knowledge. The transmission of requests and complaints from farmers to managers was more transparent in the transferred subsystem than in the non-transferred one.



为了降低运营和维护成本,满足农民通过自我管理改善灌溉服务的意愿,许多政府和国际机构都推动了灌溉管理转移(IMT)。然而,IMT 产生了令人满意和不令人满意的结果。本文在阿根廷西北部的案例研究中介绍了基于参与式研究的 IMT 评估。该研究将常规灌溉绩效评估与农民对供水服务的看法和参与用水者协会的意愿相结合。该评估比较了 Río Dulce Irrigation District 中具有不同管理转移级别的两个子系统。管理权转移的子系统中的供水服务允许灵活的交付时间表,促进多样化的种植模式、更大的灌溉强度并导致更多的用水。转入子系统中的农民比非转入子系统中的农民更意识到灌溉服务存在的问题。非转移子系统中问题的感知随着农民专业水平和技术知识水平的提高而增加。农民的请求和投诉在转移子系统中比非转移子系统更加透明。转入子系统中的农民比非转入子系统中的农民更意识到灌溉服务存在的问题。非转移子系统中问题的感知随着农民专业水平和技术知识水平的提高而增加。农民的请求和投诉在转移子系统中比非转移子系统更加透明。转入子系统中的农民比非转入子系统中的农民更意识到灌溉服务存在的问题。非转移子系统中问题的感知随着农民专业水平和技术知识水平的提高而增加。农民的请求和投诉在转移子系统中比非转移子系统更加透明。