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Aubrite Pesyanoe: Clues to composition and evolution of the enstatite achondrite parent body
Meteoritics and Planetary Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1111/maps.13612
C. A. Lorenz 1 , M. A. Ivanova 1 , F. Brandstaetter 2 , N. N. Kononkova 1 , N. G. Zinovieva 3

The Pesyanoe aubrite is an essentially polymict regolith breccia comprised by fragments of different highly magnesian pyroxenitic lithologies: albite; anorthoclase and labradorite‐bearing pyroxenites; diopside and magnesian augite pyroxenites; roedderite‐ and forsterite‐bearing pyroxenites; and impact glasses; porphyritic and melt matrix breccia fragments; FeO‐rich chondritic inclusions; and exotic oxidized clasts. The parent magma of Pesyanoe probably was carbon saturated, as suggested by pyroxenite fragments containing igneous‐textured carbon phases, possibly graphite. The composition of feldspar and trapped melt inclusions in enstatite indicates occurrence of at least three metaluminous melt sources with different (K + Na)/Al and K/(K + Na) atomic ratios on the Pesyanoe parent body and has records of K and Na loss from the melt, possibly due to evaporation from the parent body surface. The roedderite‐ and forsterite‐bearing rocks probably crystallized from a peralkaline melt. We propose that peralkaline melt could be formed from a metaluminous melt(‐s) due to gravitational segregation of djerfisherite‐bearing metal‐sulfide liquid in the lower horizon of the magma chamber and following oxidation of the magma. This should lead to enrichment of silicate melt in K2O and Na2O and increasing of (K + Na)/Al > 1, allowing forsterite and roedderite to crystallize. Rocks enriched in K and containing rare K‐bearing minerals were found among both magmatic and melt rocks. This may imply an insignificant role of regolith transport in the process of the breccia’s formation and, therefore, an origin of all of the breccia components from a local region of the Pesyanoe parent body, probably from a single complex igneous massif.


Aubrite Pesyanoe:顽辉辉长晶陨石母体组成和演化的线索

Pesyanoe aubrite是一种本质上为多矿性的粉煤灰角砾岩,由不同的高镁质辉石岩岩性碎屑组成。钙长石和含拉长石的辉石 透辉石和镁质辉石辉绿岩;含镁橄榄石和镁橄榄石的辉石岩; 和冲击眼镜;斑状和熔融基质角砾岩碎片;富含FeO的软骨包裹体;和奇特的氧化碎屑。Pesyanoe的母岩浆可能是碳饱和的,这是由含有火成岩碳相(可能是石墨)的辉石碎片所暗示的。顽辉石中长石和捕获的熔体夹杂物的组成表明在Pesyanoe母体上至少存在三种具有不同(K + Na)/ Al和K /(K + Na)原子比的金属熔体源,并记录了K和Na融化的损失 可能是由于从母体表面蒸发所致。含镁橄榄石和镁橄榄石的岩石可能是由高碱性熔体结晶而成的。我们认为,由于在岩浆腔下部的含辉石的金属硫化物液体在重力作用下的偏析以及岩浆的氧化作用,高碱性熔体可能由金属熔体形成。这应导致钾中硅酸盐熔体的富集2 O和Na 2 O并增加(K + Na)/ Al> 1,使镁橄榄石和镁橄榄石结晶。在岩浆岩和熔融岩中都发现了富含钾且含有稀有含钾矿物的岩石。这可能暗示角砾岩在角砾岩形成过程中的作用微不足道,因此,所有角砾岩成分的起源都来自Pesyanoe母体的局部区域,可能来自单个复杂的火成岩。