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Andesitic (SiO2: ~60 wt%) monogenetic volcanism in the northern Colombian Andes: Crystallisation history of three Quaternary volcanoes
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107194
Natalia Salazar-Muñóz , Carlos Arturo Ríos de la Ossa , Hugo Murcia , Dayana Schonwalder-Ángel , Luis Alvaro Botero-Gómez , Gustavo Hincapié , Julio César da Silva , Laura Sánchez-Torres

The Quaternary Villamaría-Termales Monogenetic Volcanic Field (VTMVF) is one of the monogenetic fields located within the subduction related, volcanic chain in the northern Colombian Andes. The dominantly andesitic composition of the products from this field provides an opportunity to study the crystallisation history of monogenetic volcanic products, associated with long term crustal stagnation before eruption. This work focuses on the Victoria, Gallinazo and Tesorito monogenetic effusive volcanoes, using a combination of petrography, mineral chemistry and whole-rock chemical analysis, in addition to geothermobarometers, to estimate the crystallisation conditions of the main mineral phases and infer the depths at which such phases crystallised. We also present two K/Ar radiometric ages for Victoria and Gallinazo volcanoes in order to add to the known age (1.2 Ma) of the Tesorito volcano. This helps us to timeframe this volcanism within the ~140 km volcanic chain where it is located. The rocks are porphyritic with a glassy and microcrystalline groundmass, and display glomeroporphyritic and disequilibrium textures such as textures sieve in plagioclase and reaction rims in pyroxene. The main mineral phases forming the rocks are plagioclase (An2267), orthopyroxene (Wo02 En6580 Fs1833), clinopyroxene (Wo3945 En3949 Fs0717), amphibole (magnesiohastingsite, magnesihornblende, edenite and tschermakite), and Fe-Ti oxides Usp3723 Mag6377 and Ilm7962 Hem2139. Olivine (Fo7187) only appears in the Victoria volcano. The volcanoes are subalkaline andesites with calc-alkaline affinity. Estimation of the crystallisation conditions (i.e. temperature and pressure) for in-equilibrium mineral phases, indicate the depths at which they crystallised. Olivine crystallised at 1198–1191 °C and ~1.4 GPa, orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene coexisted at 963–880 °C and 0.78–0.47 GPa, plagioclase formed at 928–908 °C and 0.76–0.17 GPa, amphibole crystallised at 998–877 °C and 0.79–0.16 GPa, and Fe-Ti oxides crystallised at 937–904 °C. This suggests that crystallisation starts at depths of ~53 km and it continues until the surface. The obtained radiometric ages for the Gallinazo (1.92 ± 0.06 Ma) and Victoria (1.97 ± 0.06 Ma) volcanoes indicate that they are ~0.7 Ma older than the nearby Tesorito volcano.


哥伦比亚北部安第斯山脉的安第斯山脉(SiO 2:〜60 wt%)单相火山作用:三个第四纪火山的结晶史

第四纪比利亚马里亚-泰勒斯单相火山岩田(VTMVF)是位于哥伦比亚北部安第斯山脉俯冲相关火山链中的单相油田之一。来自该领域的主要安山岩成分为研究单发火山产物的结晶历史提供了机会,该历史与喷发前的长期地壳停滞有关。这项工作着重于维多利亚,加里纳佐和特索里托单基因喷出火山,结合地热气压计,结合岩相学,矿物化学和全岩石化学分析,估算主要矿物相的结晶条件并推断出深度。这样的相结晶了。我们还介绍了维多利亚和加里纳佐火山的两个K / Ar辐射年龄,以便增加Tesorito火山的已知年龄(1.2 Ma)。这有助于我们在大约140公里的火山链中对这种火山活动进行时间安排。这些岩石是斑状的,具有玻璃状和微晶质的地层,并表现出肾卟啉和不平衡的质地,例如斜长石的筛子和辉石的反应缘。形成岩石的主要矿物相是斜长石(An22 67),邻苯二酚(Wo 02 En 65 80 Fs 18 33),clinopyroxene(Wo 39 45 En 39 49 Fs 07 17),角闪石(菱镁矿,镁砂,闪锌矿和钙蒙脱石)和Fe-Ti氧化物Usp 37 23 Mag 63 77和Ilm 79 62下摆21 39。橄榄石(Fo 71 87)仅出现在维多利亚火山中。火山是具有钙碱性亲和力的亚碱性安山岩。对不平衡矿物相的结晶条件(即温度和压力)的估算表明了它们结晶的深度。橄榄石在1198–1191°C和〜1.4 GPa处结晶,邻苯二茂基-亚麻基吡rox在963–880°C和0.78–0.47 GPa下共存,斜长石在928–908°C和0.76–0.17 GPa形成,闪石在998–877°C结晶C和0.79-0.16 GPa,Fe-Ti氧化物在937-904°C时结晶。这表明结晶开始于约53 km的深度,并一直持续到表面。Gallinazo(1.92±0.06 Ma)和Victoria(1.97±0.06 Ma)火山的辐射年龄表明,它们比附近的Tesorito火山大〜0.7 Ma。
