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Tetris-inspired approach for generating tightly-packed repetitive schedules
Automation in Construction ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103601
Tarek Hegazy , Kareem Mostafa , Saidat Ojulari

Scheduling repetitive projects such as highways and High-rise buildings to meet strict deadlines is challenging, particularly when the repetitive units (sections/floors) are non-identical and resources are limited. In this case, conventional CPM/LOB schedules exhibit large time gaps, causing project delays. This paper proposes computational and geometrical enhancements to generate tightly-packed repetitive schedules, envisaged by the game of Tetris. The paper introduces novel procedures to overcome existing scheduling challenges: (1) revised computation to better determine tasks' delivery rates that meet deadlines; (2) formulation of mid-activity interruption time and mid-activity rate changes that synchronize task delivery rates; (3) multi-crew arrangement method, As-Soon-As-Possible, that better suits non-identical units; and (4) a simplified heuristic combining all procedures above to generate tightly-packed schedules with shorter durations. As presented in the paper through examples, the proposed techniques reduce the duration of complex repetitive projects using enhanced schedule computation and geometry rather than using expensive acceleration/optimization methods.



安排重复性项目(如高速公路和高层建筑)以满足严格的期限是一项艰巨的任务,尤其是在重复性单元(区域/楼层)不相同且资源有限的情况下。在这种情况下,常规的CPM / LOB计划会出现较大的时间间隔,从而导致项目延迟。本文提出了计算和几何方面的增强功能,以生成紧密包装的重复计划,这是俄罗斯方块游戏所设想的。本文介绍了克服现有调度挑战的新颖程序:(1)修改计算以更好地确定满足期限的任务交付率;(2)制定活动中途中断时间和活动中率变化,以同步任务交付率;(3)更好地适合于不同单位的多机组尽快安排方法;(4)简化的启发式方法,将上述所有过程组合在一起,以生成持续时间较短的紧凑计划。如通过示例在论文中介绍的,所提出的技术使用增强的进度表计算和几何图形而不是使用昂贵的加速/优化方法来减少复杂重复项目的持续时间。
