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Fungal endophyte Epichloë bromicola infection regulates anatomical changes to account for salt stress tolerance in wild barley ( Hordeum brevisubulatum )
Plant and Soil ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s11104-021-04828-w
Taixiang Chen , James F. White , Chunjie Li

Background and aims

Plants can minimize the adverse effects of salinity by modifying morphological and anatomical features. Previous studies showed that endophytic Epichloë bromicola play an important role in improving wild barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum) salinity tolerance. The aim of this work is to understand whether Epichloë endophyte affects the anatomical structures of host H. brevisubulatum under salinity environments.


Seedlings of E. bromicola infected (E+) and E. bromicola free (E-) H. brevisubulatum were treated with different NaCl concentrations, with the control seedlings being grown without NaCl. Anatomical structures of roots, stems and leaves were observed by making paraffin sections with double staining dehydration methods (safranin and fast green).


NaCl treatments significantly affected the anatomical structure of H. brevisubulatum. Vascular tissue area throughout the leaf, stem and root decreased as the NaCl concentration increased. Thickness of epidermis in stems and leaves, and the cortex in roots also decreased with salt level increases. Endodermis thickness, epidermis thickness and stele area in roots were increased under salinity stress. The presence of Epichloë endophyte regulated some anatomical structure modifications. Epichloë infection was associated with significant higher conducting tissues (including leaf xylem, leaf phloem, stem vascular bundles, stem xylem vessels and root meta-xylem area). The increased thickness of leaf veins, epidermis in stems, cortex and endodermis in roots were also associated with Epichloë endophyte infection under NaCl stress.


The presence of Epichloë endophyte ameliorated adverse effects of salinity on H. brevisubulatum. We observed specific changes of anatomical structures that may help in inhibiting water loss and inhibiting decrease of transport capacity for better conduction of water, nutrients, photosynthates and re-translocation of assimilates to suppress negative effects of salinity and enhance the tolerance of H. brevisubulatum to salt stress.


真菌内生真菌Epichloëbromicola感染调节解剖学变化,以说明野生大麦(Hordeum brevisubulatum)的盐胁迫耐受性


植物可以通过改变形态和解剖特征来最小化盐度的不利影响。先前的研究表明,内生的溴化埃希氏菌在提高野生大麦(大麦(Hordeum brevisubulatum))的耐盐性中起重要作用。这项工作的目的是了解盐渍环境下内生附生植物是否会影响寄主H. brevisubulatum的解剖结构。


幼苗E. bromicola感染(E +)和E. bromicola免费(E-)野大麦分别用不同浓度的NaCl处理,用不含NaCl中生长的对照幼苗。用双重染色脱水法(藏红素和速溶绿)制作石蜡切片,观察根,茎和叶的解剖结构。




