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Self-Efficacy as an Indicator for Success in a Premedical Curriculum for Underrepresented Minority High School Students
Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1177/2382120520940661
Rosellen Roche 1 , Joel Manzi 1 , Terra Ndubuizu 2 , Samantha Baker 3

Context: The Aspiring DOctors PreCollege Program at the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Cleveland Campus is unique among other precollege pipeline and mini-medical school programs in that it engages learners from urban underserved communities for an entire academic year as a cocurricular adjunct to their high school course load. One day per month, students are brought to the medical college campus and introduced to the field of osteopathic medicine. Students also participate in activities related to preparing for college admissions, diversity in higher education, mental health and wellness, and financial stewardship. All these activities are done with the goal of increasing the number of underrepresented minority (URM) students in the health care professions. Objective: Self-efficacy has been identified as a measure of internal motivation and belief in one’s ability to succeed in the face of challenges. The purpose of this study is to determine what effect, if any, participation in this program has on URM student self-efficacy. Methods: Students were asked to complete a validated self-efficacy questionnaire at the start and end of this program to determine their levels of self-efficacy and if there were changes after participating in this program. Results: Ten of the 12 seniors completed pre- and post-self-efficacy surveys. Two main discoveries were made through this pilot. First, when tested at the beginning of the program, all students had high levels of self-efficacy (mean score, 4.45 of 5). Second, 2 items were specifically increased by a statistically significant amount. The students increased in self-efficacy concerning the responses “I can learn what is being taught in class this year” (P = .024) and “My ability grows with effort” (P = .015). Conclusions: With the competitive standards of acceptance into the Aspiring DOctors PreCollege Program, students enrolled in this program had high levels of self-efficacy from the onset. While there was modest increase across the board, many of these indicators remained consistently high after the program. Using self-efficacy as a screening tool for premedical students may be helpful in identifying candidates likely to succeed in a future medical career.



背景:俄亥俄大学传统骨科医学院克利夫兰校区的有抱负的医生大学预科课程在其他大学预科课程和小型医学院课程中是独一无二的,因为它让来自城市服务不足社区的学习者在整个学年都参与进来,作为他们的辅助课程。高中课程负担。每个月的一天,学生们被带到医学院校园,并被介绍给整骨医学领域。学生还参加与大学入学准备、高等教育多样性、心理健康和财务管理相关的活动。所有这些活动都是为了增加医疗保健专业中代表性不足的少数族裔 (URM) 学生的数量。客观的:自我效能已被确定为衡量一个人在面对挑战时取得成功的能力的内在动力和信念。本研究的目的是确定参与该计划对 URM 学生自我效能的影响(如果有的话)。方法:学生被要求在该计划的开始和结束时完成一份经过验证的自我效能问卷,以确定他们的自我效能水平以及参与该计划后是否有变化。结果:12 名老年人中有 10 人完成了前后自我效能调查。通过该试点取得了两个主要发现。首先,在项目开始时进行测试时,所有学生的自我效能感都很高(平均分,5 分中的 4.45)。其次,有 2 个项目特别增加了具有统计学意义的数量。学生在回答“我可以学习今年课堂上所教的内容”(P = .024)和“我的能力随着努力而增长”(P = .015)的回答方面的自我效能感有所提高。结论:由于接受有抱负的医生预科课程的竞争标准,参加该课程的学生从一开始就具有高水平的自我效能感。虽然整体略有增长,但其中许多指标在计划结束后仍保持高位。使用自我效能感作为医学预科学生的筛选工具可能有助于确定可能在未来医学生涯中取得成功的候选人。由于接受有抱负的医生预科课程的竞争标准,参加该课程的学生从一开始就具有高水平的自我效能感。虽然整体略有增长,但其中许多指标在计划结束后仍保持高位。使用自我效能感作为医学预科学生的筛选工具可能有助于确定可能在未来医学生涯中取得成功的候选人。由于接受有抱负的医生预科课程的竞争标准,参加该课程的学生从一开始就具有高水平的自我效能感。虽然整体略有增长,但其中许多指标在计划结束后仍保持高位。使用自我效能感作为医学预科学生的筛选工具可能有助于确定可能在未来医学生涯中取得成功的候选人。