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An institute-wide framework for assessed group work: development and initial implementation in an Irish Higher Education Institution
Higher Education Pedagogies Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/23752696.2019.1631708
Ronan Bree 1 , Colin Cooney 2 , Moira Maguire 3 , Peter Morris 4 , Paula Mullen 5

ABSTRACT Despite the academic, practical and social benefits, the assessment of group work brings challenges . S In response to feedback from students and staff, a framework and set of guidelines around assessed group work were developed by Dundalk Institute of Technology’s Learning and Teaching sub-committee of Academic Council. This article describes the development, implementation, and inititial evaluation of the framework and its impact. The mixed-method evaluation involved multiple stakeholders -student representatives, academic staff and key informants The evaluation suggests the framework is having a positive impact on both the staff and student experience. Predictably, the greatest impact is on awareness although there is also evidence of impact on lecturers’ practice. The impact at programme level is limited but encouraging early indications exist. Nonetheless, the evaluation demonstrates the need for ongoing support in interpreting and implementing the framework


