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A full moon in another land: The Moon Bridge in the Japanese garden of the Huntington Library
Frontiers of Architectural Research ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2020.02.004
Yan Liu

Abstract In 1913, a so-called Moon Bridge was built in the Japanese garden of the Huntington Library in San Marino, California, USA as a fruit of the Japonism in the Western world at that time. The master carpenter was Toichiro Kawai, a Japanese immigrant from Yokohama who was originally a ship carpenter. The bridge is made of wood and shaped in the exaggerated arch form, which classifies the bridge as a “drum bridge” (Taiko-bashi) in Japanese culture. However, the unique structural form of this bridge, the “woven arch,” is rare in building history. This paper aims to explore why and how such a bridge appeared in such a place and time. For this purpose, we go from the historical background to its construction history, from the concept of the designer to the detailed design methods. Data come partly from the author's first-hand investigation and the limited local archive. The most interesting discoveries were made during the detailed on-site investigation, including the fact that the bridge is designed to express the metaphor of “perfection” (full moon) through its geometrical features, and the design is based according to traditional Japanese methods.



摘要1913年,美国当时的日本文化在日本加利福尼亚的圣马力诺的亨廷顿图书馆的日本花园中建造了一座所谓的月桥。木匠大师是来自横滨的日本移民Toichiro Kawai,他原本是船木匠。这座桥由木头制成,形状为夸张的拱形,在日本文化中被归类为“鼓桥”(太鼓桥)。但是,这座桥梁的独特结构形式“编织拱门”在建筑历史上很少见。本文旨在探讨在这样的地点和时间出现这种桥梁的原因和方式。为此,我们从历史背景到建筑历史,从设计师的概念到详细的设计方法。数据部分来自作者的 的第一手调查和有限的本地档案。最有趣的发现是在详细的现场调查过程中发现的,包括该桥的设计旨在通过其几何特征来表达“完美”(满月)的隐喻,并且该设计是根据日本传统方法进行的。