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A Hallmark of the Classical Holiday Cinema, or Meeting Two Christmas Queens
Film Criticism ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-21 , DOI: 10.3998/fc.13761232.0042.410
Walter Metz

The Hallmark Corporation has churned out nearly 150 made-for-cable TV Christmas movies over the past two decades. The political orientation of the films is deeply conservative: the big city is always a place of evil, while small towns in rural America are the only locations where the true meaning of Christmas can be discovered. Given the country’s contemporary political divide, the films might as well equate Republicans with Santa Claus, ever so much healthier than the holiday Democratic Partypoopers.



在过去的二十年里,霍尔马克公司制作了近 150 部为有线电视制作的圣诞电影。电影的政治倾向非常保守:大城市总是邪恶的地方,而美国农村的小镇是唯一可以发现圣诞节真正含义的地方。鉴于该国当代的政治分歧,这些电影也可以将共和党人等同于圣诞老人,比节日的民主党人要健康得多。