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Sevā, Hindutva, and the Politics of Post-Earthquake Relief and Reconstruction in Rural Kutch
Asian Ethnology Pub Date : 2016-06-30 , DOI: 10.18874/ae.75.1.04
Malini Bhattacharjee

The phenomenal rise of Hindu nationalism in Indian politics is in part attributed to its grassroots work centered on a strategy of sevā (social service), which is operated through an array of Hindu nationalist organizations. Participation in service activities paves the way for an embedded form of mobilization that is seemingly unthreatening as it is subtle, nonviolent, and clothed in humanitarianism, in contrast to the more virulent forms of mobilization that are common to the politics of the Hindu Right. Based on empirical evidence drawn from three villages in rural Kutch, this article attempts to understand the ways in which participation in relief and reconstruction after the Bhuj earthquake of 2001 provided an opportunity for the Hindu Right to undertake a creative form of political mobilization that deepened and broadened its support. The disaster relief operation enabled Hindu Right organizations, including the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), to disseminate and consolidate their ideology of Hinduness (hindutva) and recruit new members. The role of the Hindu Right in relation to the state government in Gujarat is also critically examined. The article highlights the under-analyzed aspects of the moral complexity of evaluating the humanitarian work of the Hindu Right by drawing attention to the compassionate side of the movement.


Sevā、Hindutva 和 Kutch 农村的震后救济和重建政治

印度民族主义在印度政治中的显着兴起部分归功于其以 seva(社会服务)战略为中心的草根工作,该战略通过一系列印度教民族主义组织运作。参与服务活动为一种看似没有威胁的嵌入式动员形式铺平了道路,因为它微妙、非暴力且披着人道主义,与印度教右翼政治中常见的更具毒性的动员形式形成对比。本文基于从 Kutch 农村的三个村庄提取的经验证据,试图了解参与 2001 年普杰地震后的救济和重建为印度教右翼提供机会进行创造性政治动员的方式扩大了支持。救灾行动使包括 Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) 在内的印度右翼组织能够传播和巩固他们的印度教 (hindutva) 意识形态并招募新成员。印度教右翼在古吉拉特邦政府中的作用也受到严格审查。这篇文章通过提请注意该运动富有同情心的一面,突出了评估印度教右翼人道主义工作的道德复杂性的未充分分析的方面。