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Probing Systematic Bias in Low-redshift Type Ia Supernova Measurements by Cross Analyzing Surface Brightness and Hubble Residuals
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-29 , DOI: 10.1088/1538-3873/abd843
H. Solak 1 , R. Kessler 2, 3 , D. O. Jones 4

For low-redshift (z < 0.1) SN Ia samples used in several cosmological analyses over the past decade, we probe for systematic bias by looking for correlations between surface brightness (SB) measurements and Hubble residuals (HR). For 292 SNe Ia, we measure SB at the location of the SN Ia from publicly available Pan-STARRS (PS1) images. The Hubble residuals are from two recent measurements with low-z SNe Ia that overlap the PS1 footprint: (1) the DES 3 yr cosmology analysis, with 120 overlapping low-z SNe Ia from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics surveys and Carnegie Supernova Project, and (2) the PS1 single-telescope analysis, with 172 overlapping low-z SNe Ia from the Foundation Supernova Survey. This study is motivated by previous reports of anomalous inefficiencies and flux scatter for transients on bright galaxies. We compare HR distributions of the bright and faint halves of the SB distribution: the mean HR values differ by ${\rm{\Delta }}\overline{\mathrm{HR}}$ = 0.031 0.018, consistent with no difference at the 2σ level. We also perform a Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test for the bright and faint half HR distributions, and conclude that the two distributions are statistically consistent with a KS p-value of 0.07. However, if future studies with larger data sets find ${\rm{\Delta }}\overline{\mathrm{HR}}\sim 0.03$ with high significance, this difference would be a leading systematic uncertainty in measurements of the dark energy equation of state, w.


通过交叉分析表面亮度和哈勃残差探测低红移 Ia 型超新星测量中的系统偏差

对于过去十年中用于几次宇宙学分析的低红移 ( z < 0.1) SN Ia 样本,我们通过寻找表面亮度 (SB) 测量值与哈勃残差 (HR) 之间的相关性来探测系统偏差。对于 292 SNe Ia,我们从公开可用的 Pan-STARRS (PS1) 图像中测量 SN Ia 位置处的 SB。哈勃残差来自最近的两次测量,其中低z SNe Ia 与 PS1 足迹重叠:(1) DES 3 年宇宙学分析,120 个重叠的低z SNe Ia 来自哈佛-史密森天体物理调查中心和卡内基超新星项目,以及 (2) PS1 单望远镜分析,有 172 个重叠的低z来自基金会超新星调查的 SNe Ia。这项研究的动机是先前关于明亮星系瞬变的异常低效和通量散射的报告。我们比较了 SB 分布的亮半和暗半的 HR 分布:平均 HR 值相差${\rm{\Delta }}\overline{\mathrm{HR}}$= 0.031 0.018,与在 2 σ水平上没有差异一致。我们还对亮和暗的半 HR 分布执行 Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) 检验,并得出结论,这两个分布在统计上与 KS p值 0.07 一致。然而,如果未来对更大数据集的研究发现${\rm{\Delta }}\overline{\mathrm{HR}}\sim 0.03$具有很高的意义,那么这种差异将是暗能量状态方程w测量中的主要系统不确定性。
