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“Breaking through the 40% adoption ceiling: Mind the seed system gaps.” A perspective on seed systems research for development in One CGIAR
Outlook on Agriculture ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-28 , DOI: 10.1177/0030727021989346
Margaret A McEwan 1, 2, 3 , Conny Jm Almekinders 2, 3 , Jorge Jl Andrade-Piedra 2, 4 , Erik Delaquis 2, 5 , Karen A Garrett 2, 6 , Lava Kumar 2, 7 , Sarah Mayanja 2, 8 , Bonaventure A Omondi 2, 9 , Srinivasulu Rajendran 1, 2 , Graham Thiele 2

Seed systems research is central to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Improved varieties with promise for ending hunger, improving nutrition, and increasing livelihood security may be released, but how do they reach and benefit different types of farmers? Without widespread adoption the genetic gains achieved with improved crop varieties can never be actualized. Progress has been made toward demand responsive breeding, however the draft CGIAR 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy fails to recognize the complexity of seed systems and thus presents a narrow vision for the future of seed systems research. This points to the lack of evidence-based dialogue between seed systems researchers and breeders. This perspective paper presents findings from an interdisciplinary group of more than 50 CGIAR scientists who used a suite of seed systems tools to identify four knowledge gaps and associated insights from work on the seed systems for vegetatively propagated crops (VPCs), focusing on bananas (especially cooking bananas and plantains), cassava, potato, sweetpotato, and yam. We discuss the implications for thinking about and intervening in seed systems using a combined biophysical and socioeconomic perspective and how this can contribute to increased varietal adoption and benefits to farmers. The tools merit wider use, not only for the seed systems of VPCs, but for the seed of crops facing similar adoption challenges. We argue for deeper collaboration between seed systems researchers, breeders and national seed system stakeholders to address these and other knowledge gaps and generate the evidence and innovations needed to break through the 40% adoption ceiling for modern varieties, and ensure good quality seed once the new varieties have been adopted. Without this, the achievements of breeders may remain stuck in the seed delivery pipeline.


“突破 40% 的采用上限:注意种子系统的差距。” One CGIAR 对种子系统研究促进发展的看法

种子系统研究对于实现联合国可持续发展目标至关重要。有望消除饥饿、改善营养和增强生计保障的改良品种可能会被释放,但它们如何惠及不同类型的农民?如果不广泛采用,改良作物品种所取得的遗传收益就永远无法实现。需求响应型育种已取得进展,但 CGIAR 2030 年研究与创新战略草案未能认识到种子系统的复杂性,因此对种子系统研究的未来提出了狭隘的愿景。这表明种子系统研究人员和育种者之间缺乏基于证据的对话。这篇前瞻性论文介绍了由 50 多名 CGIAR 科学家组成的跨学科小组的发现,他们使用一套种子系统工具来确定无性繁殖作物 (VPC) 种子系统工作中的四个知识差距和相关见解,重点关注香蕉(尤其是香蕉)烹饪香蕉和车前草)、木薯、土豆、甘薯和山药。我们讨论了结合生物物理学和社会经济学的视角来思考和干预种子系统的影响,以及这如何有助于增加品种采用和为农民带来利益。这些工具值得更广泛的使用,不仅适用于 VPC 的种子系统,而且适用于面临类似采用挑战的农作物种子。我们主张种子系统研究人员、育种者和国家种子系统利益相关者之间进行更深入的合作,以解决这些和其他知识差距,并产生突破现代品种 40% 采用上限所需的证据和创新,并确保新品种上市后的优质种子。品种已被采用。 如果没有这一点,育种者的成果可能仍停留在种子交付渠道中。
