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Reviewing recordings of neonatal resuscitation with parents
Fetal & Neonatal ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-01 , DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-320059
Maria C den Boer 1, 2 , Mirjam Houtlosser 2 , Ruben S G M Witlox 3 , Roosmarijn van der Stap 3 , Martine C de Vries 4 , Enrico Lopriore 3 , Arjan B Te Pas 3

Background Recording of neonatal resuscitation, including video and respiratory parameters, was implemented for research and quality purposes at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of the Leiden University Medical Center, and parents were offered to review the recording of their infant together with a neonatal care provider. We aimed to provide insight in parental experiences with reviewing the recording of the neonatal resuscitation of their premature infant. Methods This study combined participant observations during parental review of recordings with retrospective qualitative interviews with parents. Results Parental review of recordings of neonatal resuscitation was observed on 20 occasions, reviewing recordings of 31 children (12 singletons, 8 twins and 1 triplet), of whom 4 died during admission. Median (range) gestational age at birth was 27+5 (24+5–30+3) weeks. Subsequently, 25 parents (13 mothers and 12 fathers) were interviewed. Parents reported many positive experiences, with special emphasis on the value for getting hold of the start of their infant’s life and coping with the trauma of neonatal resuscitation. Reviewing recordings of neonatal resuscitation frequently resulted in appreciation for the child, the father and the medical team. Timing and set-up of the review contributed to positive experiences. Parents considered screenshots/copies of the recording of the resuscitation of their infant as valuable keepsakes of their NICU story and reported that having the screenshots/video comforted them, especially when their child died during admission. Conclusion Parents consider reviewing recordings of neonatal resuscitation as valuable. These positive parental experiences could allay concerns about sharing recordings of neonatal resuscitation with parents. Data are available upon reasonable request.



背景 莱顿大学医学中心的新生儿重症监护病房 (NICU) 为研究和质量目的实施了新生儿复苏的记录,包括视频和呼吸参数,并允许父母与新生儿一起审查他们的婴儿的记录护理提供者。我们旨在通过审查他们的早产儿的新生儿复苏记录来提供对父母经验的见解。方法 本研究将家长审查录音期间的参与者观察与对家长的回顾性定性访谈相结合。结果 家长复查新生儿复苏记录20次,复查31例患儿(单胎12例,双胞胎8例,三胞胎1例),其中4例在入院时死亡。出生时的中位(范围)胎龄为 27+5 (24+5–30+3) 周。随后,采访了 25 位家长(13 位母亲和 12 位父亲)。家长们反映了很多积极的经历,特别强调把握婴儿生命的开始,应对新生儿复苏创伤的价值。回顾新生儿复苏的记录经常会导致对孩子、父亲和医疗团队的赞赏。审查的时间安排和安排有助于获得积极的经验。家长们将婴儿复苏记录的截图/副本视为他们 NICU 故事的宝贵纪念品,并报告说,拥有这些截图/视频让他们感到安慰,尤其是当他们的孩子在入院期间死亡时。结论 父母认为回顾新生儿复苏记录是有价值的。这些积极的父母经历可以减轻与父母分享新生儿复苏记录的担忧。可应合理要求提供数据。