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Explaining high braking indices of magnetars SGR 0501+4516 and 1E 2259+586 using the double magnetic‐dipole model
Astronomische Nachrichten ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-28 , DOI: 10.1002/asna.202113913
Fang‐Zhou Yan 1, 2, 3 , Zhi‐Fu Gao 1 , Wen‐Shen Yang 4 , Ai‐Jun Dong 4

In this paper, we attribute high braking indices n > 3 of two magnetars SGR 0501+4516 and 1E 2259+586 to the decrease in their inclination angles using the double magnetic‐dipole model proposed by Hamil et al. (2016). In this model, there are two magnetic moments inside a neutron star—one is generated by the rotation effect of a charged sphere, M1, and the other is generated by the magnetization of ferromagnetically ordered material, M2. Our calculations indicate that the magnetic moment M2 would evolve toward alignment with the spin axis of the two magnetars and cause their magnetic inclination angles to decrease. We also define a ratio η = M2/M1, which reflects the magnetization degree, and find that the values of η of the two magnetars are about two orders of magnitude higher than that of rotationally powered pulsar PSR J1640‐4631 with n = 3.15(3), assuming that they have the same rate of decrease in their inclination angles.


使用双磁偶极子模型解释SGR 0501 + 4516和1E 2259 + 586磁星的高制动指数

在本文中,我们使用Hamil等人提出的双磁偶极子模型将两个磁星SGR 0501 + 4516和1E 2259 + 586的高制动指数n  > 3归因于其倾斜角的减小。(2016)。在该模型中,中子星内部有两个磁矩-一个是由带电球体M 1的旋转效应产生的,另一个是由铁磁有序材料M 2的磁化产生的。我们的计算表明,磁矩M 2会朝着与两个磁星的自旋轴对齐的方向发展,并使它们的磁倾角减小。我们还定义了一个比率η  =  M2 /中号1,它反映了磁化度,并发现的值η两个磁星是大约两个数量级比旋转动力的脉冲星更高PSR J1640-4631与Ñ  = 3.15(3) ,假定它们具有相同的倾斜角度减小率。