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The dynamics of quasi-periodic ripples in the high-latitude F-region
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105536
M.J. Birch , J.K. Hargreaves

This study extends the investigation of quasi-periodic ripples in the F-region electron content reported by Birch and Hargreaves (2020a) to determine their flow velocity and wavelength, using data from the EISCAT Svalbard radars (the 42m antenna being field-aligned and the 32m scanning in a circular pattern at a fixed angle from the field). The ripples were extracted from the 42m electron content between altitudes 213 and 389 km in the noon and midnight sectors using a bandpass filter which reduces the noise component while removing long-term trends. These ripples were found to have an average periodicity of about 21 min in the noon sector and 27 min at night. Using the 32m line-of-sight velocity data, they were also found to propagate in the noon sector at about 467 m/s in a westerly direction with a wavelength of 581 km, and in the night sector at about 283 m/s in a southerly direction with a wavelength of 454 km. The directions compare favourably with modelled plasma flows from the SuperDARN network of coherent scatter radars.



这项研究扩展了Birch和Hargreaves(2020a)报告的F区电子含量中的准周期波动的研究,以确定其流速和波长,使用了EISCAT斯瓦尔巴德雷达的数据(42m天线进行了场对准并且以距地面固定角度的圆形图案扫描32m)。使用带通滤波器从中午和午夜区域海拔213和389 km之间的42m电子含量中提取了纹波,该滤波器可减少噪声分量,同时消除长期趋势。发现这些涟漪在中午时段平均周期约为21分钟,在夜间为27分钟。使用32m的视线速度数据,还发现它们在正午扇区以约467 m / s的速度向西传播,传播波长为581 km,在夜区,向南约283 m / s,波长454 km。这些方向与相干散射雷达的SuperDARN网络建模的等离子体流相比具有优势。
