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Thermal basal regime of the Elsterian ice‐sheet marginal zone in a hilly mountain foreland, Rychleby Mts., Eastern Sudetes
Boreas ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-28 , DOI: 10.1111/bor.12505
Martin Hanáček 1, 2 , Daniel Nývlt 1, 3 , Stephen J. A. Jennings 1

The Scandinavian Ice Sheet reached the Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains during the Elsterian glaciation. A long ice‐sheet piedmont marginal zone affected by the rugged mountain foreland topography and associated slopes originated. This study focuses on the hilly Rychleby Mts. foreland (Eastern Sudetes, Czechia), which was a part of the piedmont marginal foreland zone of the ice sheet. The basal regime was reconstructed through an investigation of the sedimentology, structural features, and the nature of ice‐sheet erosion of preglacial landscapes evident at two sites located ~3–5 km inside the maximum ice‐sheet extent. These sites show a preglacial relief buried by sub‐ to supraglacial sediments. The sites were located under an ice cover of max. 200 m. Evidence of cold‐based conditions (including palaeotors with delicate structures on the bedrock, almost absent striations on clasts, originally frozen unlithified sedimentary rafts) exists at both sites. Permafrost composed of coarse‐grained sediments was subject to brittle deformation at the base of the ice sheet, whereas permafrost composed of fine‐grained sediments underwent ductile deformation. The margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in the Rychleby Mts. foreland was cold‐based, therefore glacial erosion was not sufficient to significantly remodel the palaeotors into roches moutonnées. During ice‐sheet decay, the preglacial landscape was partially buried by melt‐out tills and meltwater sediments.



北欧冰河时期,斯堪的纳维亚冰原到达了Sudetes和喀尔巴阡山脉。受崎mountain的山前陆地形和相关坡度影响的长冰盖山前边缘带。这项研究的重点是丘陵的Rychleby山。前陆(Eastern Sudetes,德意志),是冰原前山边缘前陆带的一部分。通过调查冰川前景观的沉积学,结构特征和冰盖侵蚀的性质,在最大冰盖范围内约3–5 km的两个站点上发现了基础状态,从而重建了基础构造。这些地点显示出冰川前的浮雕,被冰川下的沉积物掩埋。这些地点位于最大冰盖下。200米 寒冷条件的证据(包括在基岩上具有精细结构的古细菌,这两处都几乎没有碎屑的条纹,最初是冷冻的未石化的沉积筏。由粗颗粒沉积物组成的多年冻土在冰盖底部易碎,而由细颗粒沉积物组成的多年冻土则发生韧性变形。Rychleby山的斯堪的纳维亚冰盖的边缘。前陆是寒冷的,因此冰川侵蚀不足以将古人类重塑成木桐木。在冰盖腐烂过程中,冰川融化前的景观被融化的耕作和融水沉积物部分掩埋。而由细颗粒沉积物组成的永久冻土经历了韧性变形。Rychleby山的斯堪的纳维亚冰盖的边缘。前陆是寒冷的,因此冰川侵蚀不足以将古人类重塑成木桐木。在冰盖腐烂过程中,冰川融化前的景观被融化的耕作和融水沉积物部分掩埋。而由细颗粒沉积物组成的永久冻土经历了韧性变形。Rychleby山的斯堪的纳维亚冰盖的边缘。前陆是寒冷的,因此冰川侵蚀不足以将古人类重塑成木桐木。在冰盖腐烂过程中,冰川融化前的景观被融化的耕作和融水沉积物部分掩埋。