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Multiple Attack to Inflorescences of an Annual Plant Does Not Interfere with the Attraction of Parasitoids and Pollinators
Journal of Chemical Ecology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10886-020-01239-6
Lucille T. S. Chrétien , Hessel van der Heide , Liana O. Greenberg , David Giron , Marcel Dicke , Dani Lucas-Barbosa

Plants in the flowering stage need to ensure reproduction by protecting themselves from attack and by preserving interactions with mutualist pollinators. When different plant mutualists are using the same type of cues, such as volatile compounds, attraction of parasitoids and pollinators may trade off. To explore this, we compared volatile emission of Brassica nigra plants in response to single or dual attack on their inflorescences. Additionally, we recorded flower visitation by pollinators and the attraction of parasitoids in the greenhouse and/or field. Brassica nigra were exposed in the flowering stage to one or two of the following three attackers: Brevicoryne brassicae aphids, Pieris brassicae caterpillars, and Xanthomonas campestris pv. raphani bacteria. We found that single attack by caterpillars, and dual attack by caterpillars plus aphids, induced the strongest changes in plant volatile emission. The caterpillars’ parasitoid C. glomerata did not exhibit preference for plants exposed to caterpillars only vs. plants exposed to caterpillars plus aphids or plus bacteria. However, the composition of the pollinator community associated with flowers of B. nigra was affected by plant exposure to the attackers, but the total number of pollinators visiting the plants did not change upon attack. We conclude that, when B. nigra were exposed to single or dual attack on their inflorescences, the plants maintained interactions with natural enemies of the insect attackers and with pollinators. We discuss how chemical diversity may contribute to plant resilience upon attack.



开花期的植物需要通过保护自身免受侵袭和保持与互惠传粉者的相互作用来确保繁殖。当不同的植物互助者使用相同类型的线索(例如挥发性化合物)时,寄生物和授粉媒介的吸引力可能会相互抵消。为了探索这一点,我们比较了芸苔属植物的挥发性排放,以响应对其花序的单次或两次侵袭。另外,我们记录了传粉者的花访和温室和/或田间寄生虫的吸引。黑芸苔在开花期暴露于以下三种侵袭者中的一种或两种:Brevicoryne Brassicae蚜虫,Pieris brasicae毛虫和Xanthomonas campestris PV。萝卜细菌。我们发现,毛虫的单发攻击和毛虫加蚜虫的双发攻击引起了植物挥发物排放的最强变化。与仅暴露于毛毛虫加蚜虫或细菌的植物相比,相对于仅暴露于毛毛虫的植物,毛毛虫的类寄生C. glomerata没有表现出偏爱。然而,与黑僵芽孢杆菌花相关的授粉媒介群落的组成受植物暴露于攻击者的影响,但到植物中访花的传粉媒介总数在攻击时没有改变。我们的结论是,当黑带芽孢杆菌在花序上遭受单次或两次攻击,植物与昆虫攻击者的天敌和授粉媒介保持相互作用。我们讨论化学多样性如何在攻击时有助于植物的抗逆性。
