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picFoam: An OpenFOAM based electrostatic Particle-in-Cell solver
Computer Physics Communications ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2021.107853
Christoph Kühn , Rodion Groll

picFoam is a fully kinetic electrostatic Particle-in-Cell (PIC) solver, including Monte Carlo Collisions (MCC), for non-equilibrium plasma research in the open-source framework of OpenFOAM. The solver’s modular design, based on the same principles used in OpenFOAM, makes it highly flexible, by allowing the user to choose different methods at run time, and extendable, by building upon templated modular classes. The implementation of the PIC method employing the finite volume method, allows it to simulate on arbitrary geometries in one to three dimensions. OpenFOAM’s barycentric particle tracking is used effectively to perform charge and field weighting from the Lagrangian particle based description to the Eulerian field description and backwards without computational expensive particle searching algorithm. picFoam also includes open and general circuit boundary models for the description of real plasma devices.

Program summary

Program Title: picFoam

CPC Library link to program files: http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/bbsm8tjgjy.1

Developer’s repository link: https://github.com/TFDzarm/picFoam

Licensing provisions: GPLv3

Programming language: C++

Nature of problem: The description of equilibrium and non-equilibrium plasma with its complex collective behavior between charged species. As well as their interaction with circuits connected to the boundaries of the plasma. The applications are versatile and lie e.g. in the description of plasma phenomena like discharges in arcjet electric propulsion systems, as well as a general study of plasma phenomena.

Solution method: Implementation of the Particle-in-Cell method with Monte Carlo Collisions [1] in the open-source numerical toolbox OpenFOAM [2]. By this the newly implemented solver gains access to OpenFOAM’s powerful tool sets and an easy to set up simulation case structure. Fields are solved by employing OpenFOAM’s cell-centered finite volume solvers, this allows for the simulation on arbitrary structured meshes. The leapfrog scheme [1] is employed for the integration of the particle’s equation of motion combined with relativistic and non-relativistic integration schemes for Newton’s second law of motion [3]. Monte Carlo Collision methods include models for the collision of electrons and neutral species, considered collision events are elastic collision events and inelastic excitation and ionization events. Additional models include Coulomb collisions and isotropic scattering of neutral species [4]. The solver is able to bind circuit models, include open circuit, ideal voltage and current sources, as well as general purpose circuits with an ideal voltage source and a resistance, an impedance and a capacity in series, to the plasma domain [5].

Additional comments including restrictions and unusual features: The finite volume method is a relatively rarely used method for implementations of the PIC method, here by employing this method we gain the ability to use arbitrary structured meshes in one to three dimensions. OpenFOAM’s barycentric particle tracking is a novel approach for moving the particles through the mesh. With this method we are able to interpolate (weight) the charges efficiently to the mesh without using computational expensive algorithms to locate the particle’s positions beforehand.


[1] C.K. Birdsall and A.B. Langdon, Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation, Taylor&Francis 2005

[2] H.G. Weller, G. Tabor, H. Jasak and C. Fureby, A Tensorial Approach to Computational Continuum Mechanics Using Object Orientated Techniques, Computers in Physics 1998

[3] J.-L. Vay , Simulation of beams or plasmas crossing at relativistic velocity, Physics of Plasmas 2008

[4] K. Nanbu, Probability theory of electron–molecule, ion–molecule, molecule–molecule, and Coulomb collisions for particle modeling of materials processing plasmas and cases, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2000

[5] J.P. Verboncoeur, M.V. Alves and V. Vahedi, Simultaneous Potential and Circuit Solution for Bounded Plasma Particle Simulation Codes, 1990





节目名称: picFoam

CPC库链接到程序文件: http : //dx.doi.org/10.17632/bbsm8tjgjy.1

开发人员的资料库链接: https : //github.com/TFDzarm/picFoam

许可条款: GPLv3

编程语言: C ++


解决方法:在开源数值工具箱OpenFOAM [2]中使用Monte Carlo碰撞[1]实现单元内粒子方法。通过这种方式,新实施的求解器可以访问OpenFOAM的强大工具集和易于设置的仿真案例结构。通过使用OpenFOAM的以单元为中心的有限体积求解器来求解场,从而可以在任意结构化网格上进行仿真。跳越方案[1]用于结合牛顿第二运动定律[3]的相对论和非相对论积分方案对质点运动方程进行积分。蒙特卡洛碰撞方法包括电子和中性物质碰撞的模型,认为碰撞事件是弹性碰撞事件以及非弹性激发和电离事件。其他模型包括库仑碰撞和中性物种的各向同性散射[4]。该求解器能够将电路模型(包括开路,理想电压和电流源以及具有理想电压源以及电阻,阻抗和电容串联的通用电路)绑定到等离子域[5]。



[1] CK Birdsall和AB Langdon,“通过计算机模拟进行的等离子体物理”,Taylor&Francis,2005年

[2] HG Weller,G。Tabor,H。Jasak和C. Fureby,使用面向对象技术的计算连续体力学的张量方法,物理计算机,1998年

[3] J.-L. Vay,以相对论速度穿过光束或等离子体的模拟,等离子物理学2008

[4] K. Nanb​​u,《电子-分子,离子-分子,分子-分子和库仑碰撞的概率论,用于处理等离子体和壳体的材料的颗粒建模》,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2000

[5] JP Verboncoeur,MV Alves和V. Vahedi,《有界等离子体粒子模拟代码的同时电势和电路解决方案》,1990年
