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Citizen Science and Biological Invasions: A Review
Frontiers in Environmental Science ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-27 , DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.602980
João Encarnação , Maria Alexandra Teodósio , Pedro Morais

Biological invasions are among the most challenging ecological and conservation riddles of our times. Fortunately, citizen science projects became a valuable tool to detect non-indigenous species (NIS), document their spread, prevent dispersion, and eradicate localized populations. We evaluated the most undisputed definitions of citizen science and proposed that a combination of two of them is a better reflection of what citizen science has become. Thus, citizen science is any environmental and/or biological data collection and analysis, including data quality control, undertaken by members of the general public, as individuals or as organized groups of citizens, with the guidance and/or assistance of scientists toward solving environmental and/or community questions. With this review, we also assessed how citizen science has been advancing biological invasions research and its focus, by analyzing 126 peer-reviewed articles that used citizen science methods or data concerning NIS. Most of the articles studied terrestrial species (68%) and terrestrial plants were the most studied group (22.7%). Surprisingly, most first detection reports were of non-indigenous marine fish probably due to the constraints in accessing aquatic ecosystems which delays the detection of new NIS. Citizen science projects running over broad geographical areas are very cost-effective for the early detection of NIS, regardless of the studied environment. We also discuss the applicability and need to adapt the methods and approaches toward the studied ecosystem and species, but also the profile of the participating citizens, their motivations, level of engagement, or social status. We recommend authors to better acknowledge the work done by contributing citizens, and the putative limitations of data generated by citizen science projects. The outreach planning of citizen science projects is also evaluated, including the use of dedicated web platforms vs. pre-existent and disseminated web platforms, while discussing how such outreach actions can be maximized. Lastly, we present a framework that contextualizes the contributions of citizen science, scientific research, and regional and national stakeholders toward the integrated management of biological invasions.



生物入侵是我们这个时代最具挑战性的生态和保护之谜之一。幸运的是,公民科学项目成为检测非本土物种 (NIS)、记录其传播、防止分散和消灭本地种群的宝贵工具。我们评估了公民科学最无可争议的定义,并建议将两者结合起来更好地反映公民科学的发展。因此,公民科学是任何环境和/或生物数据收集和分析,包括数据质量控制,由一般公众、个人或有组织的公民团体在科学家的指导和/或协助下进行,以解决环境问题。和/或社区问题。通过这次审查,我们还通过分析 126 篇使用公民科学方法或有关 NIS 的数据的同行评审文章,评估了公民科学如何推进生物入侵研究及其重点。大多数文章研究了陆生物种(68%),陆生植物是研究最多的一组(22.7%)。令人惊讶的是,大多数首次检测报告都是非本土海鱼,这可能是由于进入水生生态系统的限制延迟了新 NIS 的检测。无论研究环境如何,在广泛地理区域运行的公民科学项目对于 NIS 的早期检测都非常具有成本效益。我们还讨论了对所研究的生态系统和物种采用方法和方法的适用性和必要性,以及参与公民的概况、他们的动机、参与程度或社会地位。我们建议作者更好地承认贡献公民所做的工作,以及公民科学项目生成的数据的假定局限性。还评估了公民科学项目的外展规划,包括使用专用网络平台与预先存在和传播的网络平台,同时讨论如何最大限度地发挥此类外展行动。最后,我们提出了一个框架,该框架将公民科学、科学研究以及区域和国家利益相关者对生物入侵综合管理的贡献结合起来。还评估了公民科学项目的外展规划,包括使用专用网络平台与预先存在和传播的网络平台,同时讨论如何最大限度地发挥此类外展行动。最后,我们提出了一个框架,该框架将公民科学、科学研究以及区域和国家利益相关者对生物入侵综合管理的贡献结合起来。还评估了公民科学项目的外展规划,包括使用专用网络平台与预先存在和传播的网络平台,同时讨论如何最大限度地发挥此类外展行动。最后,我们提出了一个框架,该框架将公民科学、科学研究以及区域和国家利益相关者对生物入侵综合管理的贡献结合起来。