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Two types of sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits in the northern margin of Lanping basin, SW China: Evidence from sphalerite trace elements, carbonate C-O isotopes and molybdenite Re-Os age
Ore Geology Reviews ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104016
Yue-Fu Liu , Hua-Wen Qi , Xian-Wu Bi , Rui-Zhong Hu , Lin-Kun Qi , Run-Sheng Yin , Yong-Yong Tang

Lanping basin is a large Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag polymetallic mineral province in SW China, with major deposit types including vein-type Cu deposits, basinal brine-related Pb-Zn deposits (e.g., Liziping, Fulongchang) and minor quartz-vein-type Pb-Zn deposits (e.g., Shangnuluo, Baiji). In this study, we have conducted EPMA and LA-ICP-MS sphalerite trace element analyses, together with gangue carbonate C-O stable isotope analysis and molybdenite Re-Os dating. Using these data, we discuss the mineral assemblage, sphalerite minor/trace element composition, ore-fluid source, and mineralization age of these two types of Pb-Zn deposits. Except sphalerite and galena, major ore minerals from Liziping and Fulongchang are As-rich (e.g., gratonite, jordanite, bournonite, As-rich pyrite), whereas those from Shangnuluo and Baiji are Sb-rich (e.g., boulangerite, jamesonite, stibnite, zinkenite). The trace element compositional characteristics in sphalerite of these deposits (low Mn, Fe, Co, In and Sn, and high Cd) mimic those of medium-low-temperature hydrothermal deposits (MVT and Jinding deposits). For the Liziping zoned sphalerite, the dark-brown zones have relatively high Co, Cu, Ga, As, and Sb; whilst the light-colored zones have relatively high Fe, Mn and Cd. The calculated sphalerite formation temperature based on sphalerite geothermometer – GGIMFis (Frenzel et al., 2016) are basically in agreement with those homogenization temperature of inclusions, indicating that the contents of these elements (Ga, Ge, Fe, Mn and In) in sphalerite are mainly controlled by temperature. Moreover, the estimated sulfur fugacity (log fS2) for Liziping (−14.7) and Fulongchang (−13.6) are distinctly lower than those for Shangnuluo (−7.1) and Baiji (−8.5). Carbonate C–O isotope compositions indicate that the dissolved carbon and oxygen of ore forming-fluids of these Pb-Zn deposits were mainly derived from sedimentary carbonate dissolution. Early-ore-stage molybdenite from Baiji deposit yielded two Re-Os weighted average model ages of 21.4 Ma and 12.93 Ma, and a Re-Os concordia age of 11.88 ± 0.77 Ma was obtained from four younger molybdenite samples. These ages are distinctly younger than those reported mineralization age (ca. 30 Ma) for basinal brine-related Pb-Zn deposits. All these results indicate that there are two different types of Pb-Zn metallogenic events in the northern margin of Lanping Basin.
