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Possible risk resulting from the recent decay of the dipolar component of the terrestrial magnetic field
Acta Geophysica ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s11600-021-00536-2
Agata Bury , Marek Lewandowski , Krzysztof Mizerski

In this study, we investigated the geomagnetic ground observatory data from 1980 to 2011 collected from World Data Center from 134 stations. To analyze the data we have applied spherical harmonic decomposition to obtain components associated with the Earth’s main magnetic field and to calculate how the Earth’s dipole was varying in the aforementioned recent 31-year period. There is a visible ~ 2.3% decay of the dipole magnetic field of the Earth. We note that the present-day value of the magnetic dipole intensity is the lowest one in the history of modern civilization and that further drop of this value may pose a risk for different domains of our life.



