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From pain patient to junkie: An economic theory of painkiller consumption and its impact on wellbeing and longevity
Journal of Health Economics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2021.102432
Holger Strulik 1

In this paper, I propose a life cycle model of painkiller consumption that combines the theory of health deficit accumulation with the theory of addiction. Chronic pain is conceptualized as a persistent negative shock to lifetime utility that can be treated by pain relief medication. Individuals treated with opioid pain relievers (OPR) develop addiction, which increases their demand for opioids and reduces their welfare and life expectancy through side effects and potential overdose. I calibrate the model for a benchmark American and investigate the comparative dynamics of alternative drug characteristics, pain intensities, and ages of onsets of pain as well as their implications for welfare and life expectancy. Computational experiments are used to identify fully rational and imperfectly rational addiction behavior. Fully rational addicts reduce OPR use when new information about the addictive potential of these drugs arrives. Imperfectly rational addicts further develop their addiction and switch to illicit opioid use. Likewise, a discontinued prescription helps fully rational addicts to quit quickly, while it induces imperfectly rational individuals to take up heroin. I also discuss treatment of OPR addiction and the use of opioids in palliative care.



在本文中,我提出了一种将健康赤字累积理论与成瘾理论相结合的止痛药消费生命周期模型。慢性疼痛被概念化为对终生效用的持续负面冲击,可以通过止痛药物治疗。接受阿片类止痛药 (OPR) 治疗的个体会成瘾,这会增加他们对阿片类药物的需求,并通过副作用和潜在的过量服用而降低他们的福利和预期寿命。我为一个基准美国人校准了模型,并研究了替代药物特性、疼痛强度和疼痛发作年龄的比较动态,以及它们对福利和预期寿命的影响。计算实验用于识别完全理性和不完全理性的成瘾行为。当有关这些药物成瘾潜力的新信息出现时,完全理性的成瘾者会减少 OPR 的使用。不完全理性的成瘾者进一步发展成瘾并转向非法使用阿片类药物。同样,停药的处方有助于完全理性的成瘾者快速戒烟,同时它会诱导不完全理性的人吸食海洛因。我还讨论了 OPR 成瘾的治疗和阿片类药物在姑息治疗中的使用。
