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Interactions between seabirds and pelagic squid-jigging vessels in the south-west Atlantic
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-25 , DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3503
Tim Reid 1 , Oliver Yates 1 , Sarah Crofts 1 , Amanda Kuepfer 2

  1. The waters of the Patagonian Shelf in the south-west Atlantic are nutrient rich, support large concentrations of wildlife, and are exploited by several fisheries, including the large Asian squid-jigging fishery. Although the squid-jigging fishery has previously been observed to have few problems with the accidental mortality of seabirds, the deliberate catch for consumption of seabirds by the crew has been identified as a possible issue.
  2. Four cruises were made between Uruguay and the Falkland Islands during 2005–2006 to quantify the impact of jiggers on seabirds from indirect observation platforms. Monitoring included closely approaching 116 jigging vessels and boarding seven for inspection.
  3. The use of non-jigging fishing gear, either for catching fish or seabirds, was observed at the stern of 33 vessels. Twelve seabird carcasses were observed floating close to vessels during 13 days of monitoring. Although the results recorded here are not sufficient to put a confident estimate on the magnitude of this mortality, the density of carcasses floating in the water among the jigging fleet indicated the potential significance of this problem.
  4. The results were considered sufficiently concerning for the Falkland Islands Government to take preventative actions, including educational efforts, improving humanitarian conditions onboard vessels, introducing relevant legislation and licence conditions, and prosecuting intentional seabird take inside the Falkland Islands jurisdiction. This has resulted in the apparent elimination of these mortalities within Falkland waters since the late 2000s.
  5. Nevertheless, it is likely that the same initial conditions exist for the crews of squid jiggers on vessels operating on the high seas, and so the possibility of the targeting of seabirds for consumption continues. Squid fisheries with substantial numbers of jiggers overlap with important foraging areas for a range of albatross and other species in high-seas areas such as the Patagonian Shelf, the Humboldt and Kuroshio currents, and the south-west Pacific Ocean. These areas of overlap may be important to investigate, especially in the foraging grounds of declining seabirds.



  1. 西南大西洋巴塔哥尼亚大陆架的水域营养丰富,是大量野生动物的栖息地,并被包括亚洲大型鱿鱼钓场在内的多个渔业所利用。尽管之前观察到鱿鱼钓场几乎不会出现海鸟意外死亡的问题,但船员故意捕获以食用海鸟已被确定为可能存在的问题。
  2. 2005 年至 2006 年期间,乌拉圭和福克兰群岛之间进行了四次巡航,以从间接观测平台量化跳汰机对海鸟的影响。监测包括密切接近 116 艘跳汰船和登上 7 艘进行检查。
  3. 在 33 艘船的船尾观察到使用非跳汰渔具捕鱼或海鸟。在 13 天的监测期间,观察到 12 只海鸟尸体漂浮在船只附近。尽管此处记录的结果不足以对这种死亡率的严重程度进行可靠估计,但跳汰船队中漂浮在水中的尸体密度表明了该问题的潜在重要性。
  4. 结果被认为足以让福克兰群岛政府采取预防行动,包括教育工作、改善船上的人道主义条件、引入相关立法和许可条件,以及起诉在福克兰群岛管辖范围内故意捕捞海鸟。这导致自 2000 年代后期以来福克兰水域内的这些死亡人数明显减少。
  5. 尽管如此,在公海上作业的船只上的鱿鱼钓组船员很可能存在相同的初始条件,因此以海鸟为目标进行消费的可能性仍在继续。拥有大量跳汰机的鱿鱼渔业与巴塔哥尼亚大陆架、洪堡和黑潮洋流以及西南太平洋等公海地区的一系列信天翁和其他物种的重要觅食区重叠。这些重叠区域可能对调查很重要,尤其是在海鸟数量下降的觅食地。