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Secret data modification based image steganography technique using genetic algorithm having a flexible chromosome structure
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jestch.2020.11.008
Pratik D. Shah , Rajankumar S. Bichkar

In all forms of confidential communication, the most significant element is security. Cryptography can be used to secure the information, but it discloses the presence of covert communication. Hence, steganography was invented; steganography is an art of concealed communication. Steganography is performed by inserting the secret information in a cover media to camouflage the presence of covert communication. In image steganography, an image is used as the cover media for secure communication. There are various image steganography techniques invented by many researchers, but a small number of them focus on improving visual quality and increasing payload capacity simultaneously. This paper presents a secret data modification based high capacity image steganography technique using genetic algorithm (GA). This new technique uses the least significant bit (LSB) replacement steganography, to embed the secret data. However, the secret data is rearranged and modified before embedding it in the LSBs of the cover image. The parameters used to rearrange and modify the secret data are controlled by GA. A unique concept called flexible chromosome is introduced which allows GA to interpret the chromosome value in different ways. GA attempts to find the best possible parameter value that yields high visual quality of the stego images. The stego images produced by the proposed technique have an average PSNR value of 46.41 dB and 40.83 dB for 2 bit per pixel (bpp) and 3 bpp data hiding capacity respectively.



在所有形式的机密通信中,最重要的元素是安全性。密码术可以用来保护信息,但是它公开了秘密通信的存在。因此,隐写术得以发明。隐秘术是一种隐蔽的交流艺术。通过将秘密信息插入掩护媒体中以掩盖隐蔽通信的存在来执行隐写术。在图像隐写术中,图像用作安全通信的封面媒体。许多研究人员发明了多种图像隐写术技术,但其中少数集中在改善视觉质量和同时增加有效负载容量上。本文提出了一种使用遗传算法(GA)的基于秘密数据修改的高容量图像隐写技术。这项新技术使用最低有效位(LSB)替换隐写技术来嵌入机密数据。但是,在将秘密数据嵌入到封面图像的LSB中之前,需要对其进行重新排列和修改。用于重新排列和修改机密数据的参数由GA控制。引入了一个独特的概念,称为“柔性染色体”,它允许GA以不同的方式解释染色体值。GA试图找到可能产生最佳视觉效果的隐秘图像的最佳参数值。对于每个像素2位(bpp)和3 bpp数据隐藏能力,通过所提出的技术生成的隐身图像的平均PSNR值分别为46.41 dB和40.83 dB。在将秘密数据嵌入到封面图像的LSB中之前,将对其进行重新排列和修改。用于重新排列和修改机密数据的参数由GA控制。引入了一个独特的概念,称为“柔性染色体”,它允许GA以不同的方式解释染色体值。GA试图找到可能产生最佳视觉效果的隐秘图像的最佳参数值。对于每个像素2位(bpp)和3 bpp数据隐藏容量,通过所提出的技术产生的隐身图像的平均PSNR值分别为46.41 dB和40.83 dB。在将秘密数据嵌入到封面图像的LSB中之前,将对其进行重新排列和修改。用于重新排列和修改机密数据的参数由GA控制。引入了一个独特的概念,称为“柔性染色体”,它允许GA以不同的方式解释染色体值。GA试图找到可能产生最佳视觉效果的隐秘图像的最佳参数值。对于每个像素2位(bpp)和3 bpp数据隐藏能力,通过所提出的技术生成的隐身图像的平均PSNR值分别为46.41 dB和40.83 dB。GA试图找到可能产生最佳视觉效果的隐秘图像的最佳参数值。对于每个像素2位(bpp)和3 bpp数据隐藏能力,通过所提出的技术生成的隐身图像的平均PSNR值分别为46.41 dB和40.83 dB。GA试图找到可能产生最佳视觉效果的隐秘图像的最佳参数值。对于每个像素2位(bpp)和3 bpp数据隐藏能力,通过所提出的技术生成的隐身图像的平均PSNR值分别为46.41 dB和40.83 dB。
