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Role of dominant tree species on diversity of herbivorous insect community in temperate forests
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aspen.2021.01.010
Nang-Hee Kim , Sei-Woong Choi

Oak (Quercus spp.) and hornbeam (Carpinus spp.) are one of dominant tree species in East Asian temperate broad leaf deciduous forests and many insect species, including more than 65% of Lepidoptera species, feed on these trees. We sampled lepidopteran caterpillars from two 0.1 ha plots in a temperate forest to investigate the role of dominant trees (oaks and hornbeams) in herbivore community. In total, we identified 738 caterpillars from 223 Lepidopteran species on 34 tree species. Most caterpillar species were from species-rich families such as Geometridae 25% (56 spp.), Noctuidae, and Tortricidae. After excluding dominant trees, plant-herbivore network analyses showed increased network specialization and nestedness and decreased generality and vulnerability. These results suggest that oaks and hornbeams support a large Lepidopteran herbivore community, and co-occurring plant species support diverse but specific herbivores. Geographical distribution and plant community are closely related to diversity of the herbivore community. Future work is needed to investigate the likelihood that specialist herbivores become relatively more abundant in the forest as oaks are succeeded by hornbeams.



橡木(Quercus spp。)和角Carpinus(spp。)是东亚温带阔叶落叶林中的优势树种之一,许多昆虫以这些树为食,其中包括鳞翅目超过65%。我们从一个温带森林中两个0.1公顷的土地上取样了鳞翅目毛虫,以调查优势草(橡树和鹅耳)在草食动物群落中的作用。总共,我们从34种树种中的223种鳞翅目物种中鉴定出738条毛虫。大多数毛毛虫物种来自物种丰富的科,例如25%的几何尺da(56 spp。),夜蛾科和Tor科。在排除优势树后,植物-草食动物网络分析显示网络专业化程度和嵌套度增加,普遍性和脆弱性降低。这些结果表明,橡树和角树支持大型鳞翅目食草动物群落,并且同时存在的植物物种支持多种但特定的食草动物。地理分布和植物群落与食草动物群落的多样性密切相关。需要进一步的工作来调查橡树被角树接替后,特种食草动物在森林中变得相对丰富的可能性。
