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Discretization of integrals on compact metric measure spaces
Advances in Mathematics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aim.2021.107602
Martin D. Buhmann , Feng Dai , Yeli Niu

Let μ be a Borel probability measure on a compact path-connected metric space (X,ρ) for which there exist constants c,β1 such that μ(B)crβ for every open ball BX of radius r>0. For a class of Lipschitz functions Φ:[0,)R that are piecewise within a finite-dimensional subspace of continuous functions, we prove under certain mild conditions on the metric ρ and the measure μ that for each positive integer N2, and each gL(X,dμ) with g=1, there exist points y1,,yNX and real numbers λ1,,λN such that for any xX,|XΦ(ρ(x,y))g(y)dμ(y)j=1NλjΦ(ρ(x,yj))|CN1232βlogN, where the constant C>0 is independent of N and g. In the case when X is the unit sphere Sd of Rd+1 with the usual geodesic distance, we also prove that the constant C here is independent of the dimension d. Our estimates are better than those obtained from the standard Monte Carlo methods, which typically yield a weaker upper bound N12logN.



μ为紧路径连接度量空间上的Borel概率度量Xρ 对于存在常数 Cβ1个 这样 μC[Rβ 每个开球 X 半径 [R>0。对于一类Lipschitz函数Φ[0[R在连续函数的有限维子空间中是分段的,我们证明在某些温和条件下,度量ρ和度量μ对于每个正整数ñ2,以及每个 G大号XdμG=1个,存在点 ÿ1个ÿñX 和实数 λ1个λñ 这样对于任何 XX|XΦρXÿGÿdμÿ-Ĵ=1个ñλĴΦρXÿĴ|Cñ-1个2-32β日志ñ 常数 C>0独立于Ng。在X是单位球体的情况下小号d[Rd+1个在通常的测地距离下,我们还证明了此处的常数C与维数d无关。我们的估算结果要好于从标准蒙特卡洛方法获得的估算结果,后者通常会产生较弱的上限ñ-1个2日志ñ
