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Quaternary Tectonics as the Neotectonics in Turkey
Geotectonics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-25 , DOI: 10.1134/s0016852120060060
A. Gürbüz


The base of the Quaternary was formally redefined in 2009 by the International Commision on Stratigraphy at 2.6 Ma by shifting a 800 ka, formerly part of the Pliocene epoch, into the Pleistocene. It has made tremendous impression in literature. The Quaternary period is unique because of its climatic characteristics; however, it is a geochronological unit, and a redefinition of its position would affect many areas, such as the definition of neotectonic period in Turkey. The major tectonic elements of the Eastern Mediterranean region are located in there. Recent studies related to neotectonics in Turkey present a consensus on the driving mechanism and age of this tectonic period: the late Pliocene (before the formal adding of Gelasian stage into the Quaternary period) westward escape of the Anatolian plate. Following the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian plates at ~11 Ma BP, the North Anatolian Fault Zone created in the east and the escape tectonics could not occur until the propagation of the North Anatolian Fault Zone to the Aegean Arc at ~2.5 Ma BP and gaining a transform fault character with a similar slip rate as in today. The spatial distribution of active faults in Turkey also supports such an approach. The great majority of them have no relations with the pre-Quaternary formations, on the other hand are bounding the Quaternary basins. In this study, the neotectonics of Turkey discussed within the view of the redefined Quaternary. The comparison suggests the using of the term Quaternary tectonics substantially coincides with neotectonics in literature for Turkey, because the base level of this period in this region overlaps with the redefined base level of the Quaternary period.




国际地层委员会于2009年正式将第四纪的基底重新定义为2.6 Ma,方法是将800 ka(以前是上新世时代的一部分)移入更新世。它给文学留下了深刻的印象。第四纪是独特的,因为它具有气候特征。但是,它是一个地质年代学单位,其位置的重新定义将影响许多领域,例如土耳其的新构造时期的定义。东地中海地区的主要构造元素位于那里。土耳其有关新构造的最新研究对这一构造时期的驱动机制和年龄提出了共识:上新世晚期(在将格拉斯阶正式加入第四纪之前)向安那托利亚板块西移。阿拉伯和欧亚板块在约11 Ma BP发生碰撞后,在东部形成的北安那托利亚断裂带和逃脱构造只有在北安那托利亚断裂带在〜2.5 Ma BP和爱琴海弧传播到爱琴海弧时才发生。获得与今天相似的转差率的变换故障特征。土耳其活动断层的空间分布也支持这种方法。它们中的绝大多数与第四纪以前的地层没有关系,而另一方面则以第四纪盆地为界。在这项研究中,土耳其的新构造论在重新定义的观点内进行了讨论 5 Ma BP,并获得了与今天相似的转差率的转换故障特征。土耳其活动断层的空间分布也支持这种方法。它们中的绝大多数与第四纪以前的地层没有关系,而另一方面则以第四纪盆地为界。在这项研究中,土耳其的新构造论在重新定义的观点内进行了讨论 5 Ma BP并获得了与今天相似的滑移率的变换故障特征。土耳其活动断层的空间分布也支持这种方法。它们中的绝大多数与第四纪以前的地层没有关系,而另一方面则以第四纪盆地为界。在这项研究中,土耳其的新构造论在重新定义的观点内进行了讨论第四纪。比较表明,术语“第四纪构造学”的使用与土耳其文献中的构造学基本吻合,因为该地区这一时期的基础水平与第四纪的重新定义的基础水平重叠。
