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Coping with the Murder: The Impact of Ján Kuciak’s Assassination on Slovak Investigative Journalists
Journalism Practice ( IF 2.328 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-25 , DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2021.1877179
Marína Urbániková 1 , Lenka Haniková 1


In this contribution, using a case-study approach, we focus on the assassination of Ján Kuciak and his fiancée and explore the impact and consequences that it had on the community of investigative journalists in Slovakia. By conducting a series of semi-structured interviews with top investigative journalists (N = 12), we seek to answer two questions: How have they coped with the murder of their colleague? And, how has this incident changed their everyday journalistic practices and routines when it comes to achieving and maintaining safety? We identified 12 coping actions which, based on their function, were organised into five higher order families of coping: emotional purging; sharing and support seeking; avoidance and displacement; defiance and defence; and spreading the legacy and giving meaning to the tragedy. Regarding safety and security practices, the journalists claim that their approach has fundamentally changed. A variety of measures to stay safe, both online and offline, were adopted both on the organisational and on the individual level. However, many of these measures are not used consistently, mostly because they are not deemed necessary when covering non-sensitive topics, but also because of their impracticality in everyday journalistic work, and sceptical and fatalistic approach of the journalists to safety.




在这篇文章中,我们采用案例研究的方法,关注暗杀扬·库恰克及其未婚妻,并探讨它对斯洛伐克调查记者社区的影响和后果。通过对顶级调查记者进行一系列半结构化采访(N = 12),我们试图回答两个问题:他们是如何应对同事被谋杀的?而且,在实现和维护安全方面,这一事件如何改变了他们的日常新闻实践和惯例?我们确定了 12 种应对行为,根据它们的功能,这些行为被组织成 5 个更高阶的应对家族:情绪净化;分享和寻求支持;回避和流离失所;反抗和防御;传播遗产,赋予悲剧意义。关于安全和安保实践,记者们声称他们的做法已经发生了根本性的变化。在组织和个人层面都采取了各种在线和离线安全措施。然而,其中许多措施并未得到一致使用,
