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Territorial sovereignty and humankind's common heritage☆
Journal of Social Philosophy ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-25 , DOI: 10.1111/josp.12397
Cécile Fabre 1


Anna Stilz's Territorial Sovereignty covers an impressively wide terrain, from the state's right to rule over territory to the right to secede, from cultural neutrality to equitable access to natural resources, from collective self‐determination to cooperation with international institutions, from coercive to noncoercive responses to the commission of injustice.

In this paper, I examine Stilz's account and defense of territorial sovereignty in the light of the view that there are landmarks (monuments, geological structures, and landscapes) which are located in and subject to the jurisdiction of sovereign states, but which are deemed to be of outstanding value to humankind as a whole, irrespective of whatever economic value they might have. Put differently, I am interested in bringing Stilz's account to bear on the notion of humankind's common heritage.

I stress “heritage,” for quite often, humankind is said to own global systemic systems such as transboundary rivers and forests, species, unoccupied areas of the earth such as Antarctica and the oceans, whose value partly reside in the fact that they contain extractable natural resources. The question of who, if anyone, has rights over natural resources with extractive value is attracting growing interest in the contemporary political philosophy of territory, justice, and natural resources.1

By “heritage,” however, I have in mind something else: I mean that which we inherit from our ancestors, which we value here and now and which we seek to transmit to our successors for reasons which have nothing to do with its extractive value. The question of who, if anyone, has rights over humankind's common heritage thus understood is largely neglected. To the extent that contemporary moral and political philosophy addresses interests outsiders might have in the state's decisions regarding its territory, it focuses on would‐be migrants (who have an interest in establishing residence on that territory) or on those individuals who are affected by the state's decisions with respect to its natural resources. It does not consider interests they might have in those landmarks which there are independent reasons to believe (more on which below) are part of humankind's common heritage.

This particular question—the value of, and our duties toward, humankind's common heritage—suffers from serious neglect in moral and political philosophy. If only for this reason, it is worth examining in its own right: that is one of my aims here. (I offer a fuller treatment in Fabre 2021.) My other aim is to show what a singularly sophisticated and illuminating defense of territorial rights might tell us about it.

At first glance, the signs are not particularly promising. Indeed, it might seem that Stilz's account has little to say about humankind's common heritage. On her view, the territorial state both instantiates and is justified by appeal to the core values of occupancy, basic justice and collective self‐determination. Yet, outsiders do not (in the case at hand) seek to occupy the territory on which those landmarks are located; it is not clear that their basic rights are undermined by the state's failure to preserve those landmarks; and it is clear that to confer on them decisional rights over the latter would impair the state's, or, rather, its citizens’, right to collective self‐determination.

As we shall see, however, with a bit of reconstruction, one can extract from Territorial Sovereignty an interesting set of claims about humankind's common heritage. In Section 2, I provide a brief sketch and defense of that notion. In Section 3, I show that Stilz does not have the argumentative resources to make the state's right to rule over its territory conditional upon its common heritage‐based decisions, but that she can nevertheless support the weaker claim that those decisions are subject to evaluation at the bar of justice. Section 5 concludes.

Two final words. First, in this paper, I restrict myself to immoveable landmarks. Moveable objects, such as paintings, musical scores, artifacts, archives, etc., raise specific questions that I cannot hope to tackle here, notably with respect to repatriation and bans on their exportation.

Second, papers on someone else's work, particularly when written for symposia, tend to fall into two categories: either they articulate deep disagreements with the author and seek to show where and why he or she has got it wrong; or (in far fewer cases) they seek to bring the author's account to bear, sympathetically, on issues which the latter has not fully addressed. This paper falls firmly within the second category. As we shall see at various junctures, there is much here with which (I think) Stilz will agree. I learned at least as much from her defense of territorial sovereignty by thinking about those cases as I did by rehearsing (in my mind) my objections to it—hence my focus here.




安娜·斯蒂尔兹(Anna Stilz)的领土主权涵盖了令人印象深刻的广阔领域,从国家对领土的统治权到割裂权,从文化中立到公平获取自然资源,从集体自决到与国际机构的合作,从强制性到非强制性造成不公正待遇。








