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Research Misconduct in the Fields of Ethics and Philosophy: Researchers’ Perceptions in Spain
Science and Engineering Ethics ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s11948-021-00278-w
Ramón A Feenstra 1 , Emilio Delgado López-Cózar 2 , Daniel Pallarés-Domínguez 1

Empirical studies have revealed a disturbing prevalence of research misconduct in a wide variety of disciplines, although not, to date, in the areas of ethics and philosophy. This study aims to provide empirical evidence on perceptions of how serious a problem research misconduct is in these two disciplines in Spain, particularly regarding the effects that the model used to evaluate academics’ research performance may have on their ethical behaviour. The methodological triangulation applied in the study combines a questionnaire, a debate at the annual meeting of scientific association, and in-depth interviews. Of the 541 questionnaires sent out, 201 responses were obtained (37.1% of the total sample), with a significant difference in the participation of researchers in philosophy (30.5%) and in ethics (52.8%); 26 researchers took part in the debate and 14 interviews were conducted. The questionnaire results reveal that 91.5% of the respondents considered research misconduct to be on the rise; 63.2% considered at least three of the fraudulent practices referred to in the study to be commonplace, and 84.1% identified two or more such practices. The researchers perceived a high prevalence of duplicate publication (66.5%) and self-plagiarism (59.0%), use of personal influence (57.5%) and citation manipulation (44.0%), in contrast to a low perceived incidence of data falsification or fabrication (10.0%). The debate and the interviews corroborated these data. Researchers associated the spread of these misconducts with the research evaluation model applied in Spain.



实证研究表明,尽管迄今为止,在伦理学和哲学领域还没有,但在广泛的学科中,研究不端行为普遍存在,令人不安。本研究旨在提供关于西班牙这两个学科中存在的问题研究不端行为的严重程度的经验证据,特别是关于用于评估学者研究表现的模型可能对其道德行为产生的影响。研究中采用的方法学三角测量结合了问卷调查、科学协会年会辩论和深度访谈。在发出的541份问卷中,得到201份回应(占样本总数的37.1%),哲学(30.5%)和伦理(52.8%)研究人员的参与度存在显着差异;26 名研究人员参加了辩论,并进行了 14 次访谈。问卷结果显示,91.5%的受访者认为研究不端行为呈上升趋势;63.2% 的人认为研究中提到的欺诈行为中至少有三种是司空见惯的,84.1% 的人认为有两种或两种以上的此类行为。研究人员认为重复发表 (66.5%) 和自我剽窃 (59.0%)、利用个人影响 (57.5%) 和引用操纵 (44.0%) 的发生率很高,而数据造假或捏造的发生率较低(10.0%)。辩论和采访证实了这些数据。研究人员将这些不当行为的传播与西班牙应用的研究评估模型联系起来。5% 的受访者认为研究不端行为呈上升趋势;63.2% 的人认为研究中提到的欺诈行为中至少有三种是司空见惯的,84.1% 的人认为有两种或两种以上的此类行为。研究人员认为重复发表 (66.5%) 和自我抄袭 (59.0%)、利用个人影响 (57.5%) 和引用操纵 (44.0%) 的发生率很高,而数据造假或捏造的发生率较低(10.0%)。辩论和采访证实了这些数据。研究人员将这些不当行为的传播与西班牙应用的研究评估模型联系起来。5% 的受访者认为研究不端行为呈上升趋势;63.2% 的人认为研究中提到的欺诈行为中至少有三种是司空见惯的,84.1% 的人认为有两种或两种以上的此类行为。研究人员认为重复发表 (66.5%) 和自我抄袭 (59.0%)、利用个人影响 (57.5%) 和引用操纵 (44.0%) 的发生率很高,而数据造假或捏造的发生率较低(10.0%)。辩论和采访证实了这些数据。研究人员将这些不当行为的传播与西班牙应用的研究评估模型联系起来。研究人员认为重复发表 (66.5%) 和自我抄袭 (59.0%)、利用个人影响 (57.5%) 和引用操纵 (44.0%) 的发生率很高,而数据造假或捏造的发生率较低(10.0%)。辩论和采访证实了这些数据。研究人员将这些不当行为的传播与西班牙应用的研究评估模型联系起来。研究人员认为重复发表 (66.5%) 和自我抄袭 (59.0%)、利用个人影响 (57.5%) 和引用操纵 (44.0%) 的发生率很高,而数据造假或捏造的发生率较低(10.0%)。辩论和采访证实了这些数据。研究人员将这些不当行为的传播与西班牙应用的研究评估模型联系起来。
