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Field evaluation of fluorochloridone for broad-spectrum weed control in carrot (Daucus carota L.) in north-west India
International Journal of Pest Management ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-25 , DOI: 10.1080/09670874.2021.1875151
Tarundeep Kaur 1 , Makhan S. Bhullar 1


Weed management has been one of the major components of carrot production where the critical period of weed competition is longer as the development of a carrot canopy is very slow. Thus, hand weedings must be applied to control weeds. In this context, use of residual herbicides assumes greater significance in this important root vegetable. The field efficacy of fluorochloridone, a residual pre-emergence herbicide, was evaluated in carrot over two years at Ludhiana, India. Fluorochloridone at 625 and 750 g ha−1 provided >90% control of annual grasses [Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop, Echinochloa colona (L.) Link, and Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.], and broad leaf weeds [Digera arvensis Forssk., Chenopodium album (L.), and Amaranthus viridis (L.)] until 60 days after application. Fluorochloridone at 625 and 750 g ha−1 gave the highest carrot root yield (28.4–31.7 t ha−1) which was similar to the hand weeded check (29.5–32.6 t ha−1) and 25.4–26.3% higher than the weedy check (23.1–25.1 t ha−1) in both years. Findings imply that application of fluorochloridone at 625 g ha−1 could be a suitable option for pre-emergence residual control of annual grass and broadleaved weeds in carrot.


印度西北部胡萝卜(Daucus carota L.)中氟氯酮广谱杂草防除效果的田间评价


杂草管理一直是胡萝卜生产的主要组成部分之一,由于胡萝卜冠层的发育非常缓慢,杂草竞争的关键期较长。因此,必须采用手工除草来控制杂草。在这种情况下,使用残留除草剂对于这种重要的根类蔬菜具有更大的意义。印度卢迪亚纳对胡萝卜中氟氯酮(一种残留的芽前除草剂)的田间药效进行了两年的评估。625 和 750 g ha −1的氟氯酮对一年生禾本科植物 [马唐 ( Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop )、稗草(L.) Link 和牛筋草(L.) Gaertn.] 和阔叶杂草 [ Digera arvensis Forssk.,Chenopodium album (L.) 和Amaranthus viridis (L.)] 直至施用后 60 天。625 和 750 g ha -1氟氯酮的胡萝卜根产量最高(28.4–31.7 t ha -1 ),与手工除草检查(29.5–32.6 t ha -1 )相似,比杂草高 25.4–26.3%两年检查(23.1–25.1 t ha -1 )。研究结果表明,施用 625 g ha -1氟氯酮可能是胡萝卜中一年生禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草出苗前残留控制的合适选择。
