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Unique hip and stifle extensor muscle patterns in the Eurasian lynx , Lynx lynx (Carnivora: Felidae)
Journal of Morphology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21328
Suvi Viranta 1 , Katja Holmala 2 , Juha Laakkonen 3

The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is a medium-sized felid, with a tendency to hunt for prey larger than itself. We studied the lynx hindlimb musculoskeletal anatomy in order to determine possible anatomical adaptations to hunting large prey. In our previous work we had found characters of both large and small felids in the lynx forelimb. The crouched limbs, typical of all felids, increase the energy demands for the antigravity muscles during locomotion. As a powerful pounce is required for the smaller felid to bring down large prey, strong hindquarters may be needed. We hypothesized that the muscle attachments are more mechanically advantageous and muscles heavier in the lynx as compared to other felids to compensate for the energy requirements. In support of this, we found unique patterns in the hindlimb musculature of the lynx. Insertion of the m. gluteus medius was large with a short moment arm around the hip joint, providing mechanical disadvantage, but rapid movement. The musculus vastus medialis was relatively heavier than in other felids emphasizing the role of the m. quadriceps femoris as a powerful stifle extensor. The extensor muscles support the crouched hind limbs, which is crucial when tackling large prey, and they are also responsible for the swift powerful pounce brought by extending the hindlimbs. However, we cannot rule out the possibility the characters are shared with other Lynx spp. or they are adaptations to other aspects of the locomotor strategy in the Eurasian lynx. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.



欧亚猞猁(Lynx lynx)是一种中等大小的猫科动物,有捕猎比自身大的猎物的倾向。我们研究了猞猁的后肢肌肉骨骼解剖结构,以确定对大型猎物的可能的解剖适应性。在我们之前的工作中,我们在猞猁前肢中发现了大小猫科动物的特征。蹲伏的四肢是所有猫科动物的典型特征,在运动过程中增加了反重力肌肉的能量需求。由于较小的猫科动物需要强大的猛扑才能击倒大型猎物,因此可能需要强壮的后躯。我们假设与其他猫科动物相比,猞猁的肌肉附着在机械上更具优势,肌肉更重,以补偿能量需求。为了支持这一点,我们在猞猁的后肢肌肉组织中发现了独特的模式。插入 m。臀中肌很大,髋关节周围的力臂短,提供机械劣势,但运动迅速。股内侧肌比其他猫科动物重,强调了 m 的作用。股四头肌作为强大的膝关节伸肌。伸肌支撑蹲伏的后肢,这在对付大型猎物时至关重要,它们还负责伸展后肢带来的快速有力的突袭。但是,我们不能排除这些角色与其他 Lynx spp 共享的可能性。或者它们是对欧亚猞猁运动策略其他方面的适应。本文受版权保护。版权所有。股内侧肌比其他猫科动物重,强调了 m 的作用。股四头肌作为强大的膝关节伸肌。伸肌支撑蹲伏的后肢,这在对付大型猎物时至关重要,它们还负责伸展后肢带来的快速有力的突袭。但是,我们不能排除这些角色与其他 Lynx spp 共享的可能性。或者它们是对欧亚猞猁运动策略其他方面的适应。本文受版权保护。版权所有。股内侧肌比其他猫科动物重,强调了 m 的作用。股四头肌作为强大的膝关节伸肌。伸肌支撑蹲伏的后肢,这在对付大型猎物时至关重要,它们还负责伸展后肢带来的快速有力的突袭。但是,我们不能排除这些角色与其他 Lynx spp 共享的可能性。或者它们是对欧亚猞猁运动策略其他方面的适应。本文受版权保护。版权所有。它们还负责伸展后肢带来的快速有力的突袭。但是,我们不能排除这些角色与其他 Lynx spp 共享的可能性。或者它们是对欧亚猞猁运动策略其他方面的适应。本文受版权保护。版权所有。它们还负责伸展后肢带来的快速有力的突袭。但是,我们不能排除这些角色与其他 Lynx spp 共享的可能性。或者它们是对欧亚猞猁运动策略其他方面的适应。本文受版权保护。版权所有。