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Death due to hanging: a retrospective descriptive study of the socioeconomic and demographic profiles of hanging victims in central South Africa
Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s12024-020-00352-y
Zandré Smith 1

Hanging by the neck is the leading method of suicide globally. The epidemiological risk factors for suicidal hanging can contribute to construct a socioeconomic and demographic profile of hanging victims. These profiles can then be used to identify individuals at the highest risk for committing suicide by hanging for referral to a suicide prevention program. The aim of this study was to describe the socioeconomic and demographic profiles of hanging victims in Bloemfontein, South Africa. A retrospective descriptive study was performed using data from the Bloemfontein Forensic Mortuary, for the period 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2015. In total, 9085 autopsies were performed during the study period; 355 (3.9%) were hanging victims. The median age of the victims was 31.4 (range 11–78) years, with 138 (38.9%) cases being 21–30 years of age. Three hundred and twenty-three (91.0%) of the victims were male, 227 (63.9%) were single, 201 (56.6%) were unemployed, and 129 (36.3%) completed their high school education. The most common location where the hanging occurred was at home. Single, unemployed males 21–40 years of age were found to have the highest risk for committing suicide by hanging. The group at the lowest risk were married and employed individuals older than 60 years, who had a tertiary education. We report the first socioeconomic and demographic profiles of individuals who commit suicide by hanging in central South Africa, emphasizing the need for a National Suicide Prevention Program via a multidisciplinary team approach.



吊颈是全球主要的自杀方式。自杀性上吊的流行病学风险因素有助于构建上吊受害者的社会经济和人口统计资料。然后,这些档案可用于通过上吊转介到自杀预防计划来识别自杀风险最高的个人。这项研究的目的是描述南非布隆方丹上吊受害者的社会经济和人口统计资料。使用布隆方丹法医太平间 2008 年 1 月 1 日至 2015 年 12 月 31 日期间的数据进行了一项回顾性描述性研究。研究期间共进行了 9085 次尸检;355 人(3.9%)是被绞死的受害者。受害者的中位年龄为 31.4(范围 11-78)岁,其中 138(38.9%)例为 21-30 岁。遇难者中有323人(91.0%)为男性,227人(63.9%)为单身,201人(56.6%)失业,129人(36.3%)完成了高中教育。最常见的上吊地点是在家中。研究发现,21-40 岁的单身失业男性因上吊自杀的风险最高。风险最低的一组是已婚并雇用了 60 岁以上的受过高等教育的人。我们报告了南非中部绞刑自杀者的首个社会经济和人口统计资料,强调了通过多学科团队方法制定国家自杀预防计划的必要性。3%) 完成了高中教育。最常见的上吊地点是在家中。研究发现,21-40 岁的单身失业男性因上吊自杀的风险最高。风险最低的一组是已婚并雇用了 60 岁以上的受过高等教育的人。我们报告了南非中部绞刑自杀者的首个社会经济和人口统计资料,强调了通过多学科团队方法制定国家自杀预防计划的必要性。3%) 完成了高中教育。最常见的上吊地点是在家中。研究发现,21-40 岁的单身失业男性因上吊自杀的风险最高。风险最低的一组是已婚并雇用了 60 岁以上的受过高等教育的人。我们报告了南非中部绞刑自杀者的首个社会经济和人口统计资料,强调了通过多学科团队方法制定国家自杀预防计划的必要性。谁受过高等教育。我们报告了南非中部绞刑自杀者的首个社会经济和人口统计资料,强调了通过多学科团队方法制定国家自杀预防计划的必要性。谁受过高等教育。我们报告了南非中部绞刑自杀者的首个社会经济和人口统计资料,强调了通过多学科团队方法制定国家自杀预防计划的必要性。
