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Gender differences in high-school dropout: Vulnerability and adolescent fertility in Chile
Advances in Life Course Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100403
Viviana Salinas 1 , Valentina Jorquera-Samter 2

The original concerns about the consequences of adolescent fertility assumed that pregnancy is a turning point, which altered teens’ life trajectories in terms of school progress, human capital accumulation and labor force participation, placing them on a path of vulnerability. However, several years of research have shown that teenagers who become pregnant are not a random sample of the population, but a selective sample, more likely to have limited socioeconomic resources and other characteristics that made them a vulnerable group to begin with. This paper studies the association between adolescent fertility and high school dropout in Chile taking that selectivity in consideration. We analyze the dropout of teen men and women, considering their socioeconomic status, sociodemographic characteristics, and characteristics of their sexual debut. Data comes the VIII Chilean Survey of the Youth, a nationally representative survey of people 15–29 years old applied in 2015. In order to deal with selectivity issues, we use a combination of propensity score weighting techniques and adjusted generalized linear models for estimating the effect of teen parenthood on high school dropout (ATT), for men and women separately. Our best estimates of the effect of teen parenting on the probability of high school dropout is 16–18 percent for women and ten percent for men, which implies that the educational setback of parenthood for women is about twice as high as the setback of men. These findings suggest the need of policies and interventions aimed both to reduce adolescent fertility, but also to facilitate the high school completion of those who already are parents.



最初对青少年生育后果的担忧假设怀孕是一个转折点,它改变了青少年在学业进步、人力资本积累和劳动力参与方面的生活轨迹,使他们走上了脆弱的道路。然而,多年的研究表明,怀孕的青少年并不是人口中的随机样本,而是一个选择性样本,更有可能具有有限的社会经济资源和其他特征,这些特征使她们一开始就成为弱势群体。本文研究了智利青少年生育与高中辍学之间的关系,并考虑了这种选择性。我们分析了青少年男女的辍学情况,考虑了他们的社会经济地位、社会人口特征和首次性行为的特征。数据来自 VIII 智利青年调查,这是 2015 年对 15-29 岁人群进行的具有全国代表性的调查。为了解决选择性问题,我们结合使用倾向得分加权技术和调整后的广义线性模型来估计青少年为人父母对高中辍学 (ATT) 的影响,分别针对男性和女性。我们对青少年育儿对高中辍学概率影响的最佳估计是女性为 16-18%,男性为 10%,这意味着女性在为人父母方面的教育挫折大约是男性的两倍。这些研究结果表明,需要制定旨在降低青少年生育率和促进已为人父母者完成高中学业的政策和干预措施。
