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“Juntos pero no revueltos”: Family residential dependence and care vulnerabilities along the life course
Advances in Life Course Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100404
Consuelo Araos 1 , Catalina Siles 1

In the study of family residential dependence, Latin American literature has focused on coresidence and explained its relationship with care vulnerability trajectories in terms of the survival strategies of the poor. This approach implies the hypothesis of a substitution mechanism between family and paid care. However, this represents an incomplete picture of residential dependence in this context. Based on the contributions of three theoretical approaches—residential proximity, family configurations, and life course—and data from an ethnographic study carried out in Santiago, Chile, between 2006 and 2015, we analyze the relationship between family residential dependence configurations and care among individuals belonging to professional middle- and upper-class kinship groups. First, we show that residential dependence may occur between non-coresident individuals, mainly through quasi-coresidence and recohabitation practices. This allows individuals to remain rooted in a multigenerational network of interdependence throughout the life course at all socioeconomic levels, what the interviewees in the study called the “together but not mixed” ideal. Second, although a significant part of the residential interdependence is articulated around daily intergenerational care practices, we propose an alternative explanatory model based on the redundancy hypothesis, where the family solution to care vulnerabilities is generally preferred even when non-family care alternatives are available. The relationship between family members’ care needs and residential dependence mechanisms cannot be reduced to economic deficits or strategic responses. Such needs participate in a structure of care preferences linked to culturally defined kinship styles, where frequent co-presence solidarity predominates.


“Juntos pero no revueltos”:整个生命过程中的家庭居住依赖和护理脆弱性

在家庭居住依赖的研究中,拉美文献关注同居并从穷人的生存策略角度解释其与照顾脆弱性轨迹的关系。这种方法暗示了家庭和有偿护理之间的替代机制假设。然而,这代表了在这种情况下居住依赖的不完整图景。基于三种理论方法的贡献——居住邻近度、家庭结构和生命历程——以及 2006 年至 2015 年在智利圣地亚哥进行的一项民族志研究的数据,我们分析了家庭居住依赖结构与个人照料之间的关系属于职业中上层亲属群体。第一的,同居和重新同居的做法。这使个人能够在整个生命过程中在所有社会经济层面扎根于相互依存的多代网络中,研究中的受访者称之为“在一起但不混合”的理想。其次,虽然住宅相互依存的很大一部分是围绕日常代际照料实践阐明的,但我们提出了一个基于冗余假设的替代解释模型,即使有非家庭护理替代方案,家庭解决护理脆弱性的方法通常也是首选。家庭成员的照料需求与居住依赖机制之间的关系不能简化为经济赤字或战略反应。这些需求参与了与文化定义的亲属关系类型相关的护理偏好结构,其中频繁的共存团结占主导地位。
