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Restudying With the Quiz in Hand: When Correct-Answer Feedback is No Better Than Minimal Feedback
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jarmac.2020.10.004
Francis T. Anderson , Mark A. McDaniel

Quizzing (testing) can enhance students’ metacognitive accuracy, restudy behaviors, and final test performance. Researchers have not examined, however, the effect of quiz feedback and the availability of the quiz during restudy on these indirect effects of quizzing. We examined three types of quiz feedback: correct-answer, right/wrong, and minimal. In Experiment 1, when the quiz and feedback were available during restudy, participants in all three conditions followed a discrepancy reduction study policy. There were no differences in final test performance in Experiment 1, implying that the degree of feedback elaboration did not impact learners’ benefit from quizzing and restudy. In Experiment 2, when we retracted access to the quiz and feedback during restudy, restudy was impaired, and the minimal condition performed worse on the final test than the correct-answer condition. It appears that correct-answer feedback is critical if quizzes are unavailable; if they are available, the type of feedback has much less impact.



测验(测试)可以提高学生的元认知准确性、重新学习行为和期末考试成绩。然而,研究人员尚未检查测验反馈的影响和再学习期间测验的可用性对测验的这些间接影响的影响。我们检查了三种类型的测验反馈:正确答案、正确/错误和最小。在实验 1 中,当测验和反馈在再学习期间可用时,所有三个条件下的参与者都遵循减少差异的研究政策。实验 1 中的最终测试表现没有差异,这意味着反馈阐述的程度不会影响学习者从测验和重新学习中获得的收益。在实验 2 中,当我们在重新学习期间撤回对测验和反馈的访问时,重新学习受到了损害,最小条件在最终测试中的表现比正确答案条件差。如果测验不可用,正确答案的反馈似乎很重要;如果它们可用,则反馈类型的影响要小得多。
