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Similarity solution for magnetogasdynamic shock wave in a perfectly conducting dusty gas with axial or azimuthal magnetic field in rotating medium under the influence of radiative and conductive heat fluxes
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2021.01.029
G. Nath

The effect of magnetic field, the ratio of the density of solid particles to the initial density of the gas, non-idealness of the gas, mass concentration of micro size solid particles, adiabatic exponent, and the heat transfer parameters effect on one-dimensional shock wave propagation in a dusty gas with conductive and radiative heat fluxes in the presence of azimuthal or axial magnetic field in rotating medium have been investigated for cylindrical geometry. By using the similarity method a system of ordinary differential equations are derived from the system of governing equations of motion. The dusty gas is taken to be perfectly conducting mixture of non-ideal gas and small inert solid particles of micro size, in which solid particles are continuously distributed. It is understood that variable energy input is constantly supplied by the moving piston and the equilibrium flow conditions are maintained in the whole flow-field region. The results of numerical integration for the system of ordinary differential equations show that the magnetic field, mass concentration of solid particles, the ratio of the solid particles density to the gas initial density, non-idealness of the gas, adiabatic exponent and the heat transfer parameters have strong influence on the shock wave and on the flow variables. It is found that the presence of magnetic field, an increase in conductive and radiative heat transfer parameters and non-idealness of the gas have decaying effect on the shock wave; whereas the ratio of the solid particles density to the gas initial density or the adiabatic exponent have effect to increase the shock strength.



