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Influence of macroscale and regional circulation patterns on low- and high-frequency sea level variability in the Baltic Sea
Theoretical and Applied Climatology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s00704-020-03500-0
Ewa Bednorz , Arkadiusz M. Tomczyk

The atmospheric impact on sea level variability in the Baltic Sea on different time scales was investigated. The Northern Hemisphere teleconnection patterns, namely, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Arctic Oscillation (AO) and Scandinavia (SCAND) patterns, were employed, and a strong but non-stationary relationship was found. The SCAND appeared to be most relevant to the mean monthly Baltic Sea level variations throughout the year. A negative correlation indicates that a cyclonic centre over Scandinavia in the negative phase of SCAND enhances western circulation, which then triggers water inflow through the Danish straits. The AO annular mode reveals a positive and slightly stronger relationship with the Baltic Sea level than the NAO. The rapid increases in the Baltic Sea level recognized in this study, namely, those exceeding 24 cm within a 5-day period, mainly occur in the cold season. These increases are associated with the development of specific synoptic conditions in the Euro-Atlantic region, characterized by a shift from high to low pressure over Europe and a rapid increase in the pressure gradient during the week preceding the sea level rise. Rapid increases are associated with cyclones coming from the North Atlantic, which move 1500–2000 km during the week preceding the strong rise of the Baltic waters. The cyclone tracks may be shifted north or south, while the final position is over the Norwegian Sea.



研究了不同时间尺度上大气对波罗的海海平面变化的影响。使用了北半球遥相关模式,即北大西洋涛动(NAO),北极涛动(AO)和斯堪的纳维亚(SCAND)模式,并且发现了牢固但不稳定的关系。SCAND似乎与全年平均波罗的海海平面每月变化最相关。负相关表明,在斯堪的纳维亚半岛上空处于SCAND负相的气旋中心增强了西部的环流,从而触发了水从丹麦海峡流入。AO环形模式显示出与NAO相比,与波罗的海海平面具有正的关系,并且关系稍强。在这项研究中,波罗的海水位迅速上升,即 5天之内超过24厘米的那些主要发生在寒冷季节。这些增加与欧洲大西洋地区特定天气条件的发展有关,其特征是欧洲从高压转变为低压,并且在海平面上升之前的一周内压力梯度迅速上升。快速增长与来自北大西洋的旋风有关,旋风在波罗的海水域强劲上升之前的一周内移动了1500-2000公里。气旋轨道可能会向北或向南移动,而最终位置是在挪威海上方。其特征是欧洲从高压转变为低压,并且在海平面上升之前的一周内压力梯度迅速增加。快速增长与来自北大西洋的旋风有关,旋风在波罗的海水域强劲上升之前的一周内移动了1500-2000公里。气旋轨道可能会向北或向南移动,而最终位置是在挪威海上方。其特征是欧洲从高压转变为低压,并且在海平面上升之前的一周内压力梯度迅速增加。快速增长与来自北大西洋的旋风有关,旋风在波罗的海水域强劲上升之前的一周内移动了1500-2000公里。气旋轨道可能会向北或向南移动,而最终位置是在挪威海上方。
