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Fatherhood in the time of war and peace: The experiences of demobilized male soldiers in northern Uganda
Women's Studies International Forum ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.wsif.2020.102415
Divija P. Madhani , Erin Baines

During a more than twenty-year conflict in northern Uganda, the rebel group Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) abducted tens of thousands of children and youth, not only pressing them to fight and commit atrocities against a civilian population, but also marry and have children. Thousands of women have since returned with so called children ‘born of war’, conceived of forced marriages in the LRA. While studies demonstrate the familial challenges of reintegration for mothers of children ‘born of war’, we know little about the experiences of demobilized men who are fathers. Based on three years of research with former LRA soldiers in northern Uganda, we examine the gendered expectations of marriage and fatherhood post-conflict, and the particular reintegration challenges experienced by fathers to children ‘born of war’.



在乌干达北部长达20多年的冲突中,叛乱组织Lord's Resistance Army(LRA)绑架了成千上万的儿童和青年,不仅迫使他们与平民作斗争和暴行,而且还结婚生子。此后,成千上万的妇女带着所谓的“战争出生”的孩子返回,这是在上帝抵抗军中被迫结婚的。虽然研究表明,“战争出生”的孩子的母亲重返家庭时面临着家庭挑战,但我们对父亲复员的经历却知之甚少。基于对乌干达北部前上帝抵抗军士兵的三年研究,我们研究了冲突后对婚姻和父亲身份的性别期望,以及父亲对“战俘”儿童所面临的特殊重返社会的挑战。
