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How does discourse among like-minded individuals affect their thinking about a complex issue?
Thinking & Reasoning ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-30 , DOI: 10.1080/13546783.2018.1532460
Deanna Kuhn 1 , Davidella Floyd 1 , Peter Yaksick 1 , Mariel Halpern 1 , Whitney Ricks 1


Is there reason to be concerned about what has been seen as an increasing trend for discourse on complex issues to be confined to an “echo chamber” of like-minded individuals? To investigate how thinking regarding an issue changes in form following concentrated discourse with like-minded peers, we undertook a qualitative examination of changes in the reasoning that 34 older adults used to justify their positions prior to and following such discourse. They showed a divergence of patterns. A minority abandoned mention of previously expressed ideas at odds with their own positions or otherwise narrowed the reasoning used to justify their positions. Consistent with findings from previous studies, only a minority showed increased certainty and/or extremity (polarisation) on quantitative scales. Countering this minority were a larger proportion whose thinking appeared to benefit from such engagement in several respects that we describe. A follow-up study compares results for a sample of young adults.




