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The Production of Community in Community Land Trusts
City & Community ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1111/cico.12452
Richard Kruger 1 , James DeFilippis 2 , Olivia R. Williams 3 , Azadeh Hadizadeh Esfahani 1 , Deborah G. Martin 1 , Joseph Pierce 4

This paper explores the ways notions of community are produced and understood by homeowners/ members, staff, and board members of eight Community Land Trusts (CLTs) in the state of Minnesota. The CLT model utilizes a mixed property regime that ensures the permanent affordability of land to make it accessible to low–income people. In most cases, CLT land is made up of noncontiguous parcels spread across a neighborhood or municipality, embedded in an existing landscape of geographic and social communities. CLTs have been lauded as agents in and for community control of urban land tenure, yet there has been little scholarship on what exactly “community” means to those involved. This article addresses this gap through an analysis of the empirical findings of a three–year study of CLTs in Minnesota in which participants were asked to think through how they conceptualized the community in the CLTs they were a part of. Our findings show that little sense of community exists among the CLT homeowners we interviewed. Despite this, CLT homeowners did feel a sense of community in their relationships with CLT staff members, and, interestingly, expressed a feeling of (imagined) community with future CLT homeowners.



本文探讨了明尼苏达州八个社区土地信托 (CLT) 的房主/成员、员工和董事会成员产生和理解社区概念的方式。CLT 模型利用混合财产制度,确保土地的永久负担能力,使低收入人群能够获得土地。在大多数情况下,CLT 土地由分布在社区或自治市的非连续地块组成,嵌入在现有的地理和社会社区景观中。CLT 被赞誉为城市土地使用权社区控制的代理人,但关于“社区”对相关人员究竟意味着什么的研究很少。本文通过对明尼苏达州一项为期三年的 CLT 研究的实证结果的分析来解决这一差距,在该研究中,参与者被要求思考他们如何在他们所属的 CLT 中对社区进行概念化。我们的调查结果表明,在我们采访的 CLT 房主中,几乎没有社区意识。尽管如此,CLT 房主在与 CLT 工作人员的关系中确实感受到了社区感,并且有趣的是,他们表达了与未来 CLT 房主的(想象的)社区感。